Where is sun2?

what happened to the sun2 integration? i was using it in my old setup, and now i can’t find it :frowning:

It’s in HACS.

It is a custom repository and therefore not listed in the searchable integrations in HACS.

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if i had found it in HACS, this thread wouldn’t exist.

It wasn’t clear in your opening post that you knew it was a HACS integration.

Equally, I had forgotten it was a custom reopository. @WallyR’s answer is the right one,

2014-01 → 2014-07

Just for anyone updating from prior to sun2 deprecation to post sun2 deprecation (like me).
If you are only preserving what you have and you want to avoid redirecting the new sensor to the old one everywhere: in your yaml use the exact same name on unique_id and location and use the one you had before the update.
f.e. from:

sensor sun2:
    - platform: sun2
      entitiy_namespace: name_usually_a_location


    - unique_id: name_usually_a_location
      location: name_usually_a_location

In my tests Sun2 now used “location” to create the new sensors:

unique_id: Talavera 
location: Talavera de la Reina

would end up as:
instead of:

remove monitored_conditions. Now these entities are available under:
Devices and Services → Sun2 → entities → more entities → enable

What have I missed? Sun2 is working fine for me and I can’t see any depreciation warning on its GitHub page.

Hello everyone, how can I change the location? Something strange and inaccurate about the hours he gives me after installation

I have my sun2 in configuration.yaml
There you should be able to change location or latitude, longitude, elevation and timezone.
The new documentation on github is very good at those points.

they moved from

sensor sun2
    - platform: sun2


     -unique_id: name
      location: name:_of_the_place

when created, the new sun2 will use location as a name: sun2.name_of_the_place thus breaking all automations you had regarding sun2. :frowning:

agh, OK (I thought you meant that sun2 itself was being depreciated). Thanks for clarifying!