Where is the "events" code?

Hi all !

I created an event (Developer Tools → Events), but when creating it I made a mistake in the code text.
I want to fix it, but I can’t find either the interface or the code file in the system.
I also can’t delete this event to create a new one.

Tell me where to look for the code? Or tell me how to fix the code.

There is no “code”. Once your event is fired it is gone.

Where is the code for this?


Those are all core events created by the system and the events your config creates.

Oh yes, of course I understand that this is created by the system and configuration.
That’s why I ask, where is the code for these events?
Where to look for them? In the CPAOS code, in the integration code? Or it is placed in a separate hidden file?

I removed the integration but the event still exists. I want to know where it is registered.

I have no idea what that is.

Literally everywhere.

Which particular event on that list?

sorry, in code HAOS


Add-ons Z-Wave JS

Nobody has an answer?

Do you still have zwave_js installed?

Are you using it?

Not all the listeners are part or your configuration. Integrations often subscribe to them.

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Sorry for late answer.
Yes, the add-on has been removed.
I want to understand where the event code is.

Go to developer tools > event tab

Google Translate probably doesn’t translate well because you don’t understand me.

I know that the list of templates is in the developer tools under the “Events” tab.
But I don’t need a list, I need code.

You see, when I need to edit the main code, I go into the Configuration.yaml file.
When I need to edit an automation, I open and edit the Automations.yaml file.
If I want to fix a script, I edit the scripts.yaml file.

So I want to find where is the event code? In a separate hidden file, in some database or somewhere else.
Or should I look in specific add-ons?
I hope the question is clear now?

There is no event code that you can modify without modifying core home assistant python files or the frontend JS/TS files.

All that page is doing is displaying the active listeners for events. There is no unified space for that code.

If you want to create a listener, then create a listener with your custom integration. Is that the code you’re looking for?

If you aren’t building a custom integration, then there’s nothing you can add or look at.

If you want to create a trigger off an event, just add an event trigger in an automation.

You keep focusing on “where is events code”. Instead, say what your end goal is and we can point you in the right direction. E.g. Say “im trying to write an automation that does xyz” instead of “Where is events code”.

Otherwise this really seems like the XY Problem:
XY problem - Wikipedia.


Yes, that’s what I wanted to understand, I’ll adjust the code in the integration to suit myself. Thank you.

ps: Is it possible to somehow understand who is subscribed to an event?
For example:
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