Where is the meross cloud integration?

With the new version of HA (2021.6.0), the meross cloud integration has disappeared. Does anyone know something?

Can’t see that one here Integrations - Home Assistant

Nothing found!

This is the one I use, its available in HACS

If its a custom integration, check it doesnt need updating to make it work with this release

that one was updated a few days ago to make it compatible with this release. if the OP is using that one then updating it should resolve

I’m assuming its because of the version info in manifest.json being missing in the old version
I’ve not updated to 2021.6.0, I’ll wait for 2021.6.1 and then report back

the update of home assistant to any version wont fix it, the custom integration needs updating

Yes, I meant I would wait until I updated to 2021.6.x to see if the updated custom integration worked with it

same here. All my Meross stuff has gone POOF! Nothing in HACS, nothing in integrations

did u check there is an update to the custom integration, its needs to be updated

It sounds look like the update was pushed to HACS. You’ll have to manually download the custom_components folder from the github page and just overwrite it in your HA config folder. It was updated 8 days ago to include the version.

EDIT: The update was just pushed to HACS 20 min ago.

I am new to HA and Meross… is there a way for HA to show the energy usage of Meross smart plugs (MSS426)?

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