Where to now

So home assistand is loading how do i go to HA from this screen it ia a Labtop with HA. Completly neewbee to this. The last time i did some programing was whe basic was the hot new code.

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Open a web browser on your PC and go to the Home Assistant URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123

In another tab, open the getting started documents and follow along for more guidance as you get started. No programming needed!

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I thougt that you can run home assistant on the labtop and not on another pc

Yes, it’s running on whatever hardware is plugged in to the monitor you posted a picture of.

You need a browser on some device on the same network in order to connect to and configure HA.

IF i do http:// homeassistant.local:8123 or Http;//192.x.x.x:8123 it gives a unknown command error “http://home

umm… are you opening a browser then typing that into the address bar?

Did you yet read the docs on how to get started/onboarding?

I have setup an account on my desktop pc but how do i tie the two together.

What do i type in at The Ha prompt to get it running

It is already running, as a server that is meant to run 24/7 in the background. It creates a web page you can visit using a web browser. You can acess it from the laptop, but only if you use a browser on the laptop. You cannot open the web page from the command line. The command line is only for maintenance commands when you cannot do so though the web page.

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It’s not always intuitive to new users, but HA is designed to run as a server. It should run there 24/7, so it can monitor and control all the devices you will set up. You don’t access HA from the server itself, but from any other devices on your network you like, in a regular browser by using the IP address.

That is what i did not know. Can you connect Ha to wifi and not use alan cable.

That is what i did not know. Can you connect Ha to wifi and not use a lan cable.

Maybe you should start by reading this. Getting started - Home Assistant

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Did read the parts that i thougt i am going to need but it looks like i have to read every thing to do With HA.

To all the Guy’s Thank you i know a little bit more now but will have to learn 100x more.

You could also look at some YouTube videos about getting started with Home Assistant.
Just make sure they are less than an year old.
If they are older, then there is a chance Home Assistant have changed too much, because it is a fast evolving program.