Where to place YAML code


I found this project:

Which is exactly what I was looking for. Adapted the provided YAML code to fit my BME280 sensor and placed this code in configuration.yaml.
The sensors are not created and I do not see anything related to this YAML.
I have 2 questions:

  1. on the Luftdaten sensor/software I have a user/password when I login locally to the device, does this need to be set somewhere?

  2. Is configuration.yaml the right place to put this code or does it need to be somewhere else?

Thanks for helping out.

The post you linked to is very, very old and using a a command line with curl to get rest data. It is likely that it not longer works that way. There are however way more recent integrations to get local luftdaten.

This one is using a rest sensor version that does not need an external command to run:

And this one is an integration you can install though hacs:

@Edwin_D Thank you did not see them when I searched.
Have used the HACS solution as I have HACS already installed.
This now works as a charm, now one thing left to get the air quality index as per Sensor data map. Did see some solutions. Will try them.

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