Where to see Z-Wave node names in HA?

Once uppon a time I was configuring the HA with aliases, for the nodes.
In my config, customize.yaml I have enteries like this:

#NODE 3 - Flush2UppeHall
  friendly_name: Trappa
  icon: mdi:lightbulb
  hidden: true

It works… But where is the place, where I can change the name (eg. “flush2uppehall” or “lampatrappa”). I cannot find it anymore.

Second, is it at good idea to set the names this way?..

open the configuration menu on the upper left of the screen on your frontend. click on “configuration”. click on z wave on that page that opens.

In there you can change the node names which impacts entity_id of the associated devices. You’ll also have to deal with the entity_registry.yaml file too.

You can technically change the names of the entities there too but usually I just rename the node using the zwave config page, rename the entity_registry to some other name and then restart HA. then it will automatically take care of the rest.

On 0.75 you can use the entity registry via the UI - find the entity in the dev-states menu (looks like <> under Developer tools), select it, then click on the cog. From there you can change the friendly name, and the entity ID.