Where to store my own data in HAOS (Update Proof)?

Hi there.

I’m new to HA, but confortable with Unix (Debian,Ubuntu,Centos,FreeBSD…).

I would like to create some directories to store personal files, mostly Dev git repositories, to manage publishing/sharing BluePrints, maybe add-ons, etc… I would then symlik files in the repos, to the right HA paths…

I’m not sure of where is the right place to store my own files:

  • that wont be erased when upgrading HA OS
  • if possible, outside of HA config directories (/config, /addons…) to not create a mess.

/root/develop/ would be my first choice, but is it update proof (= not erased by HA OS updates)?

Thanks for your advices :sunglasses:

There is a gitea addon here hassio-addons/gitea at master · alexbelgium/hassio-addons · GitHub

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Honestly I’d keep it off box.

There is a github integration lf you must sync but you’re better off thinking of HAOS as an appliance.

If you’re on supervised or core and have control of the host os that’s a different story. But HAOS… Appliance. Everyone (potentially) gets wiped. Backup early and often.

In core- config and everything below poof the recommendation for restore is replace everything in the config folder and factory reset is wipe the configuration folder (and everything below)

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It is safe to write to any of the pointed folders. Since this will be dev related content keep it under /homeassistant as this is where all HAOS related config files are stored. You can access this folder through VSC or the File Editor of HA, as well as through Samba/FTP/SSH.


Thanks for your answers.

I already have a local Gitlab instance, a remote Gitlab, and a public GH account… so this would be a little overkill. :smile:
But thanks to let me discover Gitea ! :+1:

Having it outside of the box, would make development very tedious, because for every change in the dev folder, i would have to copy each affected files into HA right paths, in order to test if it works. That’s why I want to have it inside the HA appliance.

Regarding backup, and because my HA OS is a Virtual Machine, I already have twice a week full backups (the whole VM) into a local SSD, which is daily rsync-ed to my NAS, which is then rsync-ed to my entreprise server, and finally replicated on a Wasabi account. So, I think I’m relatively disaster proof… :sunglasses:

I would like to avoid the Homeassistant folder if possible, but yes the Media folder might be a good alternative, as it is not supposed to be filled with anything (usually intended to mount things like CD-ROMs in most linux distrib).

Regarding editing, I already use my deskop VSC, and mount the HA instance using SSH FS, to be able to easily edit/change/copy file right from my desktop.

Any other folder suggestions ?