I’m new to HA, but confortable with Unix (Debian,Ubuntu,Centos,FreeBSD…).
I would like to create some directories to store personal files, mostly Dev git repositories, to manage publishing/sharing BluePrints, maybe add-ons, etc… I would then symlik files in the repos, to the right HA paths…
I’m not sure of where is the right place to store my own files:
that wont be erased when upgrading HA OS
if possible, outside of HA config directories (/config, /addons…) to not create a mess.
/root/develop/ would be my first choice, but is it update proof (= not erased by HA OS updates)?
There is a github integration lf you must sync but you’re better off thinking of HAOS as an appliance.
If you’re on supervised or core and have control of the host os that’s a different story. But HAOS… Appliance. Everyone (potentially) gets wiped. Backup early and often.
In core- config and everything below poof the recommendation for restore is replace everything in the config folder and factory reset is wipe the configuration folder (and everything below)
It is safe to write to any of the pointed folders. Since this will be dev related content keep it under /homeassistant as this is where all HAOS related config files are stored. You can access this folder through VSC or the File Editor of HA, as well as through Samba/FTP/SSH.
I already have a local Gitlab instance, a remote Gitlab, and a public GH account… so this would be a little overkill.
But thanks to let me discover Gitea !
Having it outside of the box, would make development very tedious, because for every change in the dev folder, i would have to copy each affected files into HA right paths, in order to test if it works. That’s why I want to have it inside the HA appliance.
Regarding backup, and because my HA OS is a Virtual Machine, I already have twice a week full backups (the whole VM) into a local SSD, which is daily rsync-ed to my NAS, which is then rsync-ed to my entreprise server, and finally replicated on a Wasabi account. So, I think I’m relatively disaster proof…
I would like to avoid the Homeassistant folder if possible, but yes the Media folder might be a good alternative, as it is not supposed to be filled with anything (usually intended to mount things like CD-ROMs in most linux distrib).
Regarding editing, I already use my deskop VSC, and mount the HA instance using SSH FS, to be able to easily edit/change/copy file right from my desktop.