Where to supply the Long-Lived Access Token for iOS app?

Hopefully this is a simple question, and I’ve just failed to grok where/how to paste in the LLAT text value? Brave search provided an AI-generated answer which may well be out-of-date/incorrect:
“When configuring the Home Assistant iOS app, you need to replace the placeholder for the long-lived access token with the token you just generated.”

Well, I’ve created the LLAT in my user profile, and I have the random text string. Can anyone please tell me where I can paste this token string, such that the iOS app will have access for a good, long time?

Thank you!

I don’t think you need long lived tokens for the companion app? I’ve never specifically configured a token for my ios apps and I never need to sign in more than once.


I agree with you, I don’t think a LLAT should not be needed. I’m having difficulties connecting the iOS app on my phone with my local instance of Home Assistant via the LAN/WiFi. Currently must disable WiFi on the phone, and access via the WAN and external URL only.

Sounds like a network or setup issue, not a token issue. If you explain how you’ve set it up people could probably help you.

Is the connection in the app using your HA hostname or IP address? Could it be DNS related? Is you phone & HA server on different subnets? What happens if you try http://ipaddress:8123?

I believe it’s an issue with the iOS app, honestly. I use a duckdns.org dynamic DNS hostname, with TCP port 8123 specified on the internal/LAN URL, and this works with laptops and browsers in the home, but not with the iOS app. The external/WAN url specifies a completely different TCP port, which is routed to the HA system port 8123. That URL works perfectly within the app.