Where's bruh?

Whats happened to Ben??
Miss his great videos, he was part of my inspiration to get into Home Automation.

His videos got me going early on when I was very green with HASS (probably would have given up without his help)

Come back BEN!

More Videos!!


You didn’t hear? :disappointed_relieved::cry:

No just kidding ^^, he said on Twitter he was busy and had something planned for beginning of 2018:

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In the matrix

Amber alert for Bruh!


Website says “new website coming soon!
(Update: 15 FEB 18 – it is! I promise!)”

It’s now 16 April!

No contribs on his github site for months

Last youtube 8 months ago.

I hope the guy is OK, I know we have another bald home automation guy on youtube, but I still hope Ben is OK.

I know Nick me too if it wasn’t for his videos I would not be using home assistant and still linking IFTTT and Stringify together to get my things to talk.

Aaaan he’s back!! :partying_face::partying_face::smiley:

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And back again!

Sooooo… any news on Ben…?
Bruh YouTube videos… gone
Bruh Instagram posts… gone

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