…that was shown on top to inform users how to format code blocks?
“Poking” some moderators to highlight this.
Sorry if I spammed you but I (we) rely on this to help noobs understand how to format their code so I(we) can help them better…
@Tinkerer @arsaboo @rpitera
in the meantime i’m going to use this as my default template
Could you format your code using the </>
button in the editor please? It makes it easier to see whether there are obvious syntax/indentation issues
Yeah, @pnbruckner and I noticed that a week or 2 ago. It’s a pain in the ass to explain to people now. Not sure why it’s gone. If you go to the discord server and ask for markup, the bot will shoot a link to show people how to do markup. It all works here. Also, somewhere in my history is the link, but it was a while ago.
I book marked it
Fixed, dunno what happened!
No worries. I’ve raised it with those who run the forum!
Edit: and in the time it took me to write that, it was fixed
Your excellent screenshot has now been enshrined in the global history of the forum, thanks for that
You have to scroll all the way to the top. I didn’t see it first time I looked either.
As long as the picture is being enshrined, might it be better for the highlighted phrase to be “code to be formatted” as opposed to “code the be formatted”?
Lol yes that may be a good idea
I’ll create a new one for one of the moderators to update
All fixed!
I think this has helped a bunch, but I think it can help a bunch more if it could be slightly improved. One of the biggest problems still is that this technique doesn’t work if the highlighted text is preceded by a non-blank line. (To say that the other way, for this technique to work, if the highlighted block of text follows other text there must be a blank line separating them.) So even though people follow these instructions, it often still doesn’t work. Not sure of the best way to address that, but maybe something like:
snaps fingers