Whether the web page of esphome can be embedded to play the camera stream

Whether the web page of esphome can be embedded to play the camera stream. Similar to this GitHub - AlexxIT/WebRTC: Home Assistant custom component for viewing almost any camera stream in real time using WebRTC and other technologies.

Like this? ESP32 Camera Web Server Component — ESPHome

Not this one. Embed a playback window on the page to play this stream url: ’ rtsp://rtsp:12345678 @ stream/ch0’

you want the webpage to stream an external source ? to an LCD on the esp for example ? (creating your own baby monitor for example from 2 esp devices

You probably need something more “beefy” to process the stream to get an high FPS

ESPhome does not serve an rtsp stream, but it does serve a stream over http (as I pointed out) or over the api as a camera integration in HA.

The stream is provided by Home Assistant. I just want to play it on the device web page of Ephome.

If you are talking about this component Web Server Component — ESPHome then no, it does not stream the camera.

But this does, and without home assistant. ESP32 Camera Web Server Component — ESPHome

I hope the web page can embed the camera stream in this way

Not as far as I can tell. What is that picture of?

Pretend to have a video stream