Which ESP8266 Board should I choose?


I am totally new to this field of Home Assistant and ESP.
Can you pls suggest me which ESP8266 board should I use while adding it in the ESPHome in Home Assistant?

Actual issue is, if I choose it as D1 Mini, then -

  • It faces problem in connecting the Wifi Router with 802.11n mode! Must need 802.11b (LEGACY)!
  • Even if the device is online, in ESPHome, it shows as offline but if I click on LOGS, it shows logs!

Can’t find the issue and its solution.
What am I missing?

D1 should work fine. I’m running 802.11n without issue.

Also, are you waiting long enough in ESPHome? It usually takes 15 seconds or so for things to show online.

What is the exact purpose for this board that you are looking to implement? Is it a for switching or sensors?

It will have one Ultrasonic sensor to measure water-level in the tank and one motion sensor.

2 hour passed and still ‘offline’!
No connection if 802.11n only AP!

Please check the router, if the device is connected to it or not?

Without the code that you use, it is nearly impossible to help. :wink: How should we know, what you’re doing and where it might went wrong? :slight_smile:

Nonetheless, I’d suspect something with mDNS and/or the Wifi specs. :slight_smile: That would affect both of your problems.

For #2 try setting ESPHome to ping as the way to check for devices.

Only basic code!

  name: esp8266-d1-mini-1
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - ssid: "XXXXXXXXX"
    password: "XXXXXXXXX"
  - ssid: "XXXXXXXXX"
    password: "XXXXXXXXX"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "ESP8266-D1-Mini-1"
    password: "XXXXXXXXX"


# RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar Motion Sensor
  platform: gpio
  pin: D3
  name: "Motion Sensor 1"
  device_class: motion
  - platform: ultrasonic
    trigger_pin: D1
    echo_pin: D2
    timeout: 2.0m
    update_interval: 60s
    name: "Tank1 Water Level"

Start using only one Wifi network to limit the error possibilities. And I’d try setting a static IP in your code. Check your router for an IP, that is not taken and set this in your code.

  ssid: ssid
  password: wifi_pw

Report back, what errors come up, ideally with an error message. :slight_smile:

And remember to set ESPHome to ping your devices. :wink: :slight_smile:

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Do you have, by any chance, a router with combined 2.4 and 5GHz wifi? And possible with “smart connection”, like asus or similar? If so, disable that. I’ve had same problems with my new internet radio when i had this so-called “smart connect” turned on.
I also had problems with multiple wifi networks stated. Didn’t explore further, now i’m using just one wifi stated in esphome.
Now i have around 10 esp boards and all work fine. Boards are sonoff, esp01, esp12, esp201, all connect fine.
Also…i hope that you have all needed pull-up and -down resistors installed…?

It is ESP32-E and not ESP8266, but I am transitioning experimental devices to the DFRobot FireBeetle DFR0654

Reasons I chose it:
USB type C connector
Onboard battery charger
Onboard RGB LED
Higher frequency PWM available
Ultra low power sleep available
RT9080 LDO is one of the best available
BT 4.2 available (using for BLE tracking)

They are $7.40 on mouser and digikey

The 8266 devices I am replacing are NodeMCU V3

If you’re sourcing 3.3VDC from the Wemos D1 Mini (looks like a clone board) be aware the LDO voltage regulators on these clones typically provide less than 250 mA of current capacity. A genuine Wemos/LOLIN D1 mini can provide much more current. This becomes an issue when you attempt to drive power-hungry sensors, like IR sensors.

I strongly doubt that any sensor would draw over 100mA, usually it’s waaay lower. Cheap chinese sensore draw a few mA only. Even proffessional alarms sensors have below 50mA draw. I power all my sensors from internal regulator without issues. BUT, some models (like chinese ones) need to be altered: normally they are from 5-12V and they have built-in 3.3V regulator. Removing it makes sensor appropriate for direct connection to 3.3V from module.
I usually use cheap chinese 230V to 5V switchers for powering my modules. They are around 1€ on aliexpress (or even less…) and pretty small, too. And work quite great (of course i add a small fuse in front, too, just in case…). Recently i also received 3.3V models for powering modules which require 3.3V power supply (and not 5V).

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Hi all,
I’ve been struggling with esp8266-01 which I used before converting to ESPhome.
Which IO can be used, as IO0 takes the module into serial programming when held low during start up.
on : ESP8266 Platform — ESPHome
it says (for general esp 8266 family) that effectively only the following pins can be used as general purpose GPIO:

|Pin|Restrictions|State after Reset|

|GPIO0|If HIGH on boot|Weak Pull Up|
|GPIO2|If HIGH on boot|Weak Pull Up|

So, how can I connect an IR led to the?
I’ve tried connecting IO0 to a transistor (with 2Kohm resistor, so the current will be 1.1mA), but no luck–> still stuck on boot.
Any suggestions?

That board has very few pins available. If you use 0 or 1 make sure that they are high at boot, otherwise only thing you can do is disable logger in esphome and use TX or RX pins as input/output. But be aware that TX also has to be high at boot…

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