Which ethernet to Zigbee device is recommended with Home Assistant?

Hi all

I am planning to run Home Assistant on a virtualized infrastructure and therefor I need something to talk ZigBee (USB is not a good choice in such an environment) - Whuch ethernet-Zigbee devices work best with HA?

Regards, Lars.

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What are your concerns using USB on a virtualized infrastructure? Unless you plan to migrate the home assistant instance around alot USB should work perfectly fine. I run my HA as a virtual machine on vmware with a USB zigbee stick, not had any issues (other than having to shut down the vm a few minutes when patching the hypervisor).


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ESXi 7?

Although USB passthrough is possible, it is my experience that it seldom works, and when it does work, it limits the VM

Which USB do you use?

Regards, Lars.

Cool… will look into those…

ESXi, yes.7.0.3 running on a Dell740xd and a old Intel NUC. I use this zzh (CC2652R Stick) - Electrolama. No issues with passthrough what so ever.

Ordered the SMLIGHT SLZB-06… Lets see…

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I am about to order one as well. They seem like quite a nice piece of kit, well designed, complete (with case & antennae, etc.), and for actually less money than some similarly equipped options.

Poor chaps appear to be in Ukraine though, so I have inquired about shipping…

I got mine a few days ago. It works - but as I want to run it from the wired LAN, I want to disable the WiFi part. The documentation describes how to, but it does not work. WiFi is constantly on.

Hi Lars, are you talking about WiFI Access Point?
If yes, it seems that ping checks are blocked in your Ethernet network. The device thinks it is not connected to the Ethernet and creates WiFi AP.
Try to disable ping-check in settings, and AP should disappear. Please tell successful or not.

I allowed ICMP on the gateway… and wifi was then disabled, thx

Just wanted to report back that the SMLIGHT SLZB-06 has been working flawlessly for me for several months.

I read of various problems that others have with Zigbee, and can’t help but wonder what Coordinator device they are using, in addition to taking care with channels, and joining router devices in place, working outward from Coordinator, etc…

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I use the Sonoff Zigbee USB dongle on VirtualBox with USB pass-through.

Unfortunately I do have problems with it. After a while the VM will fail to be able to talk to the dongle and the only way I’ve found to get it working again is to reboot the VM.

The time before this happens is very variable. Sometimes it can happen again the same day, sometimes it doesn’t happen again for a couple of months. But it always happens in the end.

So I too am investigating an Ethernet connected ZigBee option.

It should be said though, I am running the VM on a very out of date copy of Ubuntu and VirtualBox. But at the moment upgrading either of those isn’t straightforward.

esxi and virtualbox are two very different pieces of software. I don’t use the latter, so I cannot help you with that. Since the post you have replied to I have also moved over to an ethernet based coordinator, and it works great.