Which files to back up in OpenZwave?

A simple question (hopefully!). I have installed OpenZwave as a container on an RPi4 with the volume created as follows: -v /home/paul/ozw:/opt/ozw/config. It is up and working fine. I can see that there are many files and directories in /home/paul/ozw.
Please could I have advice on which of the files/directories I need to back up so that I can successfully restart my OpenZwave set up if/when I accidentally corrupt some part of the configuration?
Thank you for your advice.

Just ozwcache_0xXXXXXX.xml should be sufficient for a speedy recovery, especially when using battery operated devices. The rest is generated and downloaded when needed.

@RickKramer thank you for your speedy reply, much appreciated.

Hmm… really? What happens when a physical usb zwave stick dies? I know for example that aeotec has a backup software to do so. I think only backing up homeassistant files is not sufficient though :frowning:

The original question was what has to be backed up for any configuration errors, not hardware malfunction. Then indeed, you need to use special software to backup the stick.

Aeotec example:

Razberry2/UZB1 example:

Thank you @sender for the introduction of a wider question that had not occurred to me - what to do if the z wave stick dies.
And again a very helpful answer from @RickKramer. I am using a zwave.me stick on my RPi4 so I will get on with backing up the configuration of the stick as well.
Thank you both for a very helpful conversation.

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