What I’m looking to do is when I leave my home is use my voice to say good bye house and have HA unlock the front door so I can leave. After I close the door have it lock and then arm my arm system in away mode.
Should this be done with a Automation or Script?
Seems like it would be easy enough with automations.
I would add an input_boolean called something like “Leaving” that would make it easy to hold the state that you are leaving soon. Also if you don’t feel like saying anything you can flip the switch to accomplish the same thing as a back up.
How I see it (concept, not code):
Automation 1:
trigger: voice
action: set input_boolean.leaving to on
Automation 2:
trigger: input_boolean.leaving to on
action: unlock front door
Automation 3
trigger: door to close
condition: input_boolean.leaving is on
action: lock door
arm system
input_boolean.leaving = off
turn off lights etc…