Which LED-Panel should I buy? (First steps into Smart Home)


Some days ago, I dediced: I want a smart led panel in my man cave. Great thought, but from there, it went all downhill for me… I can’t dedice, what I need.

The whole story:

I need some better light to work in my hobby room, for this I thougth about buying a LED Panel (120x30cm or 120x60cm) for mounting on the ceiling.

Next thought: For working, I need bright, neutral light. But I also use the room for gaming. In this situation, I would like to have some cozy, dim and warm light. So, I would need a LED panel with different colors, maybe some RGBW for the funs…

I would like to have a remote controll, but I’m shure, that thing want last for ever, will get lost in some hobby stuff. That’s why I want to controll it per some other means. Android App, PC … that’s why I’m now into Home Assistant. (Next step would be a smart bulp and some motion detectors at my stairs!). I would start with this one LED Panel in my man cave, and then go on to other scenarios. (Hmmm, dimming the light, when I switch on the TV, motion detector in the hall and toilett…, all bulbs in the house go red, when my 3d printer has an error…).

I don’t want any cloud service! Clouds come and go, but my home should stay!

That’s why I think about a Raspberry Pi, a ConBee… that should be easy, I allready played a bit with HA in virtual maschine, installation and configuration looks easy.

But what I don’t get: Which LED panel should I buy?

It should be:

  • Not to expensive (less then 200 Euro) and
  • easy to source in germany, …

Any help would be great! I’m complet clueless after hours of reading and watching YouTube.

Bye and thank
Marcus (aka Tiggr)

I’m looking for something like that, too. Did you manage to find a suitable led panel?

Hi Marcus welcome to the forum!

So you consider using a RPi: are you aware about the SD card corruption issues?

With a Conbee II: you plan to use zigbee.
IKEA sells LED panels but not with RGB it seems.

Have you found this: Top 10 LED Panel Zigbee RGB – Bürodeckenleuchten – OvoNEL

Hello @DanBak!
Hello @Nick4

I decided not to use a Raspberry Pi, but a small and cheap fanless server. One of the reases was the wear on the SD… I learned that lesson with nagios on a Raspberry Pi. :smiley:

I bought a LED Panel from Eglo, from the connect.z brand. Not shure if that was the best choice. sometimes it needs a second try before it reacts.


I have multiple zigbee controlled lights and don’t experience what you write: they respond right away.
Do you have connection issues?

Have you seen this: Eglo connect.z integration

My other zigbee devices reacting fast as hell. Most of them made by IKEA! :smiley:

But I’m still watching the panel. I changed the hardware of my Home Assistant yesterday. I changed from a small mini pc with 4GB RAM running Proxmox and HA as VM to a small server running Proxmox and HA as VM. The system now has 16GB of RAM and I assigned 6GB to HA … and all my lights seem a bit more responsive now! :slight_smile: I’m afraid, the old hardware was a bit to weak and cheap for the setup.

Aside from my “reacts sometimes a bit strange”, I’m happy with the panel, and it seems good for the price.

hi @tiggr ! I’m interested on running HA in a fanless x86 machine. Can you share what hardware are you using?