Which pallet should I be using

I just installed Node-Red… and I’m following Dr. Zzz’s install instructions.
Instructions here
Under Manage Palette he says to select and install:
“node-red-contrib-home-assistant” which shows that there is a conflict with a palette that’s already installed which is “node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket”

Q1. Which do I really need?
Q2. Why?

Q1. node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket
Q2. the other is no longer maintained

Thank you…
I hate open source stuff! lol

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What an extraordinary thing to say on this forum.



How can you stand using home assistant then?


Just barely! Its taking a toll lol Ive never worked so had to get so little done in a very long time

Nick… I totally understand… but I’m here none the less… its a process.

<>My dig against open source is that there is little coherent… and current “Correct” Information … its all dated… its a moving target and with each iteration the water gets murkier. With each change there is a change in configuration and that change state isn’t preserved with the version… ie with version 1… this configuration works… with version 2… this configuration works… no standardization.

Now the upside of opensource is that the product will get better at a geometric rate because its being worked on by a group… but each group has its own solution… from a product perspective it takes a toll on the consumer who just wants it to work<</ RANT>>

Actually the documentation you find on home-assistant.io is current and up to date.

Node-Red has nothing to actually do with Home Assistant. It has existed long before Home Assistant, and is a completely separate entity. The fact that someone took the time to create something to interface the 2 is amazing, and for that I am grateful.

Actually it isn’t dated. The fact that you chose to use an outdated youtube video is not the community’s fault, nor the fault of the documentation located on the official website.

The version of Node-Red palette you use has nothing to do with what version of HA you are using. The websocket version has been the only one that has been maintained for the last year. If you are using HASSIO, it has the correct version configured already, not sure why you would try to install a different one, that is obviously too old (look at the last time it was updated).

This isn’t the case with Node-Red. Someone fulfilled a need to connect Node Red to HA, because THEY wanted it. They shared it with us. At some point they decided they didn’t have time to maintain it, or something happened to them, and they couldn’t keep up with the changes that HA was going through. @Kermit stepped in and made sure that need was fulfilled going forward. Since the old maintainer was unavailable for some reason, he had to create a new iteration of the product.

You have to understand that everyone here is here as a volunteer, and nobody (aside from the few core guys on HA) are paid to be here, nor is this a paid product. The documentation is open source, and the information provided here is only as good as the community. I say that community is pretty damn good. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you by saying you hate open source.


“Actually it isn’t dated. The fact that you chose to use an outdated youtube video is not the community’s fault, nor the fault of the documentation located on the official website.”
A: I picked the most recent one… Who’s to know whos right… I’m new to this and when information isnt updated… or coherent it makes things difficult…

Listen… I’n railing against this product specifically… I hope nobody thought I was dumping on the community or this product… I realize that allot of people have put a ton of work into this project… I was just venting my frustration at trying to get something accomplished… I thought would be simple to do… but because of multiple sources of documentation and competing methods to accomplish the same thing. In my CM (Im a software engineer) old deprecated code documentation is removed and replaced… in open source projects it often out of date or not updated so often…no doubt because the code base is morphing so quickly… I get it…

This website, Home Assistant, and the developers behind Home Assistant have absolutely NOTHING to do with random YouTube videos you find. The documentation on the Home Assistant website is kept up to date.

I obviously have offended you somehow… It was not my intention. Sorry.

You are right … information on any other sight is NOT official HA information.

I’m just a guy trying to get something to work BTW Node-Red worked fine right of the box… I was just trying to make sure I had what I needed but found a what I thought might be a discrepancy.

Moving on!

Sorry, yes you offended a lot of people with your statement. Some of us love open source projects, and to come onto a forum for an open source project and state that you hate open source is, well, insane.

You keep referring to ‘out-of-date documentation’ without understanding that the “documentation” you are referring to is a YouTube video that has nothing to do with Home Assistant documentation.

If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the people that leave those out dated videos up…It certainly annoys the crap out of me that they leave the videos up for the views, without a disclaimer that they are out of date.

I don’t use YouTube for stuff like this. It’s a waste of my time. I read the documentation, and the forums for up to date, and accurate information.

I’m not mad…lol Just a tiny bit frustrated…lol. I’ll be fine… I hope you will be too!

This forum is full of folks struggling the same as me… and for the same reasons… not all of us have the same level of experience with HA… so we must be proactive and seek for information where ever we can find it. And Dr. Zzz does mention that his information is volatile.

So… outside of HA because not all information is answered here where should I look for definitive… up to date information?