Which peephole camera with HA?

Hi everyone,

I’m looking to have your opinion about the different peephole camera that exist and their integration with HA.
Did you try some ?


Would be interested in a solution here as well. Ideally, Wi-Fi + battery powered, since I don’t own the flat in which I am living at the moment and want to mount it to the door from the inside.

I’m just using a Pi Zero with RPi Cam Web Interface. That has a URL that is just the feed without all the controls. I’ve just put that into an iFrame. I haven’t nailed the battery situation yet as I use mains power but the best I had when I tried it was about 24 hours using a 20,000mah power bank.

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No solution ready out of box instead ? :slight_smile:

That seems to be quite a power drain to be honest. I was hoping for something like the regular cameras that have like a year or more in battery life. I was thinking about the Pi0 as well though, so thanks for the input.

This one on alibaba seems to be perfect solution…


I found this. But dunno if it can be used in HA


EDIT: It seems RTSP compliant.

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