comparing my new mini pc Celeron 8Gb/128Gb times with a virtual box on my Mac, I see the latter being twice as fast in startup. I can still return the celeron so would like to understand why the differences. Is it memory, or is it the processor
using HAOS both on the Mini Pc and on the Virtual Box
the startup times list on system_health isnt really different, and the yaml config check is almost as speedy, if no speedier on the Celeron.
its just that the whole startup on the Celeron takes about 2 minutes (compared to my Rpi4 that took 4) and the virtual box install takes just over 1 minute. (bewerkt)
what would I do best:
update a bit higher and return the Celeron. (to which ? Nuc . i3/i5/i7…)
add an extra S2 ssd to the Celeron and move the data (is already ordered but can be returned too)
other suggestions
beare in mind I have a rather large install, with many templates and serious frontend use of auto-entities etc.
Without knowing what Mac you’re running it’s hard to tell if it’s memory or the processor. For instance: I still have an old Macbook Pro Retina laying around. It’s the first gen from mid 2012 and has a quadcore Intel i7 and 16GB of RAM. Eventhough it’s now 10 years old, it’s much more powerfull than the Macbook Air from 2020 (the last one with Intel before switching to M1), since that one had a low powered dual-core i-core. But the Macbook Air with M1 is definitely faster now than my 10 year old quadcore i7 Intel chip. And my main Windows PC blows every Mac out of the water with high end AMD CPU, Nvidia GPU and gen4 SSD.
The Intel Celeron is the budget processor of Intel. All core i3/5/7/9 are faster than any Celeron. Also read speed matters a lot for boot-time. Hard to say what SSD speeds your Mac is running vs your Celeron mini PC. Without specs we’re all just guessing.
I understand that ofc. Just figured there might be some sort of general approach to this. Ofc there’s also power consumption 365/24/7

which is quite spectacular , even compared to a Rpi4
my MacBook is a MBP 16 (2019) Core i9 2.4 Ghz 8-core and has 32 GB DDR4 so yeah much better than the Celeron.
Otoh, the Celeron has much less to do 
Just thinking I now make a jump in material, and for maybe 150E more could have much better specs and results. If I keep the Celeron, I probably wont be making a other jump any time soon…
the Virtual Box has only 4gb ram assigned so upping that wont help probably, since the Celeron has 8 Gb