Which Roborock integration is better?

I see there is a built in integration for Roborock cleaner and there is also a integration in HASS for that.

Which one would be better?

The description of the HASS integration sounds better, but the development there seems to have come to an end.

Im curently using hacs integration.
It has rooms maps just out of the box, room setup etc.
Although my robots are not supported, as i last checked, everything is working out of the box.
I have q revo and q 7 max.

Honestly, the best option is Valetudo, but I understand not everyone wants to change the firmware of their robot cleaner.

It has no connection with Chinese servers (completely local), is discovered by MQTT, supports all the existing robot options and lots more. e.g. custom sounds and other plug-ins like a wifi mapper:

It is also supported by some nifty custom cards:


I would like to chage it but not sure will i brick the robot. And then i can trash it. And for me docking station is a must.

That looks super-duper amazingly cool, and I especially like the wifi mapper, too - but there’s no way I’m disassembling a $1600 vacuum/mop to root it. My wife would choke me in my sleep. Lol


In most cases no disassembly is required. Flasing can be done OTA.

I believe Roborock has patched something a while ago, and OTA is less common these days. Depends on the model (which one, @Mausbiber …?), most likely disassembling would be required these days.

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Not sure. I’ve got older S5 units they could be OTA flashed.

There was something I read on that site that said just about everything manufactured after Q3 2020, OTA was not possible.

Regardless, I checked the compatibility list, and no s8 models are supported anyway, so I guess I get to survive another night. Lol

FYI you will eventually have to disassemble it to clean the fan filters. When you start getting the dreaded “Error 10” with a new clean bin filter. My afternoon fun:

I hope for your sake the new models are better thought out. 55 screws just to clean a fan. :roll_eyes:

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OMG I sure hope not. That doesn’t look like much fun! Lol

Not mine (I forgot to take a photo before I cleaned it) but it was pretty much exactly the same as this:

I noticed one thing with Q Revo. Someone unplugged docking station and forgot to plug it back in.
Robot went cleaning and stalled in one place. I couldn’t send it back to station. I thought something had to broke down or there is some error because robot was just spinning around.
Then I found out that docking station was unplugged. When I plugged in everything was back to normal.
So, In my opinion there is much to it when comes to flashing robot with custom firmware. Probably docking station must be flashed too.