Hi guys
I’ve got 7 dumb lights with access to the ceiling rose. This means I have full access to all of the wiring.
I was thinking of using sonoff mini to smartify these. What do you guys think?
I also have 2 lights where I have no access to ceiling rose and no neutral at the switch. I can easily get a light switch that doesn’t require neutral but these switches also need to be 2 way.
My idea is to join the permanent live to the switch live.
This means there will be permanent live at the light fitting + neutral.
I can now add a sonoff RF at the light fitting. This gives me wifi control and I can install rf switches to the wall.
Finally I have a light where I have no ceiling rose access and no neutral at the switch, but I don’t need 2 way switches.
Should I still opt for the rf approach above or just get a no neutral light switch such as the sonoff tx?
Let me know your thoughts.
Is there a better or cheaper approach?
I’m new to smart homes.
Kind regards