Outside at the front door, I have replaced my old Siedle Doorbell button by a Reolink Doorbell. However, I would like to use my classic Siedle HTA 811 doorbell gong instead of the Reolink Chime.
So, my idea is to ring the Siedle HTA 811 doorbell by using an ESP8266, which will get a signal by the reolink doorbell via Homeassistant. I have a 12V AC power source (needed by Siedle HTA 811) and a 5V DC power source (needed by the ESP8266).
Now I would like to know how I have to switch the whole thing so that my plan works. In particular, I would like to know whether my circuit diagram is correct and what type of transistor (T in the diagram) I need.
No, unfortunately not. This setup requires the doorbell button to ring the doorbell. In Frenck’s doorbell, the doorbell sends a signal to the Smart Home. However, I have replaced the classic doorbell button so that in my case the Smart Home shall send a signal to the doorbell.
So from HA I can monitor the button as well as trigger the chime (relay)
(And it can also inhibit the relay, but the button will still work…so it is used as a silent trigger; at my place when the doorbell is pushed after 19:30 I only get a notification on my phone and TV, so the kids won’t wake up).
In your case, you can trigger the chime on the Siedle HTA 811 doorbell when the reolink doorbell has been pushed (so you don need to use the button input; you can use any sensor within HA to trigger the chime ;))
Basically, you could even activate the chime when you flush the toilet (provided the toilet flush has a sensor )
In your case it would make it even easier, as you don’t need to break out the GPIO-2 pin, you can just ommit that.
Ok, you are right. However, I do not really understand, how my circuit diagram should look like. The “smart device” as it is described in your article, will not be connected to the push button in my case. So how will I have to connect the components?
Your esp may have 5v rail to connect relay to or you may have to power it directly from your 5v source. Ground connects to any ground on esp or 5v supply.
Connecting a transistor to 12 AC source which probably has an inductive load (the bell) could cause a very high Voltage spike that would kill the esp.
Thank you very much! How would the diagram look like with the ESP-01S Chip and relay module? I like that solution, because I would have to integrate only one new component instead of two.
If you are talking about the ESP01 attached to a relay board then the schematic is pretty much the same except there are no wires between the relay and ESP.
This is my yaml code for the esp01s component. I took the code from the linked tutorial. However, the tutorial is already 5 years old, so I would like to ask, if there is some deprecated stuff in my code, which today normally would be done in a better way:
name: esp8266-eg-klingel
friendly_name: ESP8266-EG-Klingel
board: esp01_1m
early_pin_init: false
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "*****"
- platform: esphome
password: "****"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Esp8266-Eg-Klingel"
password: "****"
# Enable Web server.
port: 80
# Sync time with Home Assistant.
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
# Sensors with general information.
# Uptime sensor.
- platform: uptime
name: Doorbell Uptime
# WiFi Signal sensor.
- platform: wifi_signal
name: Doorbell WiFi Signal
update_interval: 60s
# Global to store the on/off state of the chime
- id: chime
type: bool
restore_value: true
initial_value: 'true'
- platform: restart
name: restart
- name: doorbell
id: relay
inverted: true
platform: gpio
pin: GPIO0
# Switch to turn on/off chime when
# doorbell button is pushed.
# It creates a "virtual" switch based
# on a global variable.
- platform: template
name: chime_active
id: chime_active
- globals.set:
id: chime
value: 'true'
- globals.set:
id: chime
value: 'false'
lambda: |-
return id(chime);
@aceindy I would like to, but I cannot find a “solution” button here to mark a post.
I have installed the ESP01 to one of my doorbells and it works fine, but with one issue. It is exactly the issue described here.
When the esp01 gets disconnected from power source and connected again, it gives power to the gpio pin for some milliseconds and the doorbell rings for some milliseconds. Any idea? As you can see in my yaml, I already use the early_pin_init: false