Which Xiaomi Integration to use? Gateway 2 local, Gateway 3 local, MioT, Miot Auto?

I have a lot of Xiaomi devices
I know 4 Xiaomi devices integrations:

Integrations provide different functionality, MioT and Miot Auto provide control of devices like humidifiers, cameras etc, but don’t provide local control, Miio and Gateway 3 - provides local control, good support of BLE and Zigbee devices with more entities to control. So integrations have different pros and cons.

According to your experience, what integrations i should use for better experience?

bump please

I used Xiaomi Miio for 32 devices including 14 wall switches. I switched to Xiaomi Gateway 3 so I could combine my Tradfri bulbs and Xiaomi devices into one hub. Had a few issues with the Tradfri bulbs not syncing when power was removed. This was fixed in the last couple of releases
. The Xiaomi hubs (2 and 3 ) has been rock solid, never had any issues. Tried all the other zigbee solutions (ZHA, MQTT and deCONZ) to combine Xiaomi and Ikea hubs , nothing else has worked
as well.

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thanks for the reply!

Xiaomi Miot Auto supports local control, but the device needs to support miot-spec in the LAN. For ble and ZigBee devices, only cloud mode can be used.

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