Which ZigBee module should I get if any


I’ve just ordered a BeeLink Mini S12 Pro that I’m planning on running HA on through Proxmox. I’ve been reading up on HA a lot this weekend and have made the decision to switch from HomeKit due to the possibilities that it gives.

One thing that I still don’t quite grasp is which ZigBee module I should get if any. I currently only have IKEA lights and their Dirigera hub which I guess would work for now but that it would be limited to IKEA products. So if I understand correctly I could keep using that hub for now and switch whenever I buy another ZigBee device or make the switch now in order to not have to redo everything with something else later on?

I’ve currently looked into the zbdongle-e, zbdongle-p and the HA Connect ZB-1 but don’t know which one is the better choice? I’ve read that the -e is most powerful but might be problematic?

Which one do you guys recommend? And I’ve understood that EMI can be an issue but how much so? Can I have the dongle on a USB extension cable in an IKEA cabinet where a Ubiquiti AP also will live? Or would it be better to have it inside a metal media central where my Dirigera hub currently resides? Those are unfortunately the only two options atm.

Thanks in advance!

There is a third option. Don’t get a usb dongle and get a network one instead.

You won’t be constrained to locating it close to your pc & can place it somewhere more central where it will be in direct range of more ZigBee devices.

It’ll also avoid complications with having to pass through the usb devices in proxmox, as well as any headaches if the usb port identifier changes.

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That does sound like an interesting option. Do you have any recommendations on a specific one?

I’ve been running a Tube’s ZB on Zigbee2Mqtt with no issues for almost 3 years now and have nothing but praise for it.

I’ve heard good stuff about the SMLight dongles too, and they seem to come with an easy to use interface which makes it less of a hassle to setup if you’re starting out.

Support for what version of module you should go for will depend which Zigbee integration you intend to use. Both ZHA and Z2M docs have a section listing supported models of network coordinators