I have a question, when I click on Hass.io my addons won’t load on my laptop screen. In the past if I refreshed the page they would show up but now all the sudden the page reloads but remains blank. Any ideas why this may be happening?
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I’m having the same issue.
I think my Homebridge crashed, and I can’t restart it
0.70.0 has a bug with Firefox. Try chrome.
I’m trying from my iOS device.
But chrome did successfully work! TYVM bro!
Now Homebridge isn’t responding with any of my devices for some reason. The plugin appears to be running ok. Hmmm
Could it be the Nest component?
Same issue here with the iOS app. Anyone have any ideas what is causing this?
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I had the same issue I attempted using Chrome on windows, Safari on iOS, and Edge on windows. I pulled the power from my pi and allowed it to reboot and it let me in after a while this issue started after the .70 update