Who know how to reset a SENSOR (reset it to "0")

I read I lot of things about problems to reset un SENSOR to 0.

It seems that nobody find a real simple solution.

I post on this forms with hop to have a clear working solution / process, from au “Genious expert” !

Thanks in advence,

Why do you want to do this?


Interresting Tom_I :slight_smile: !

But my question is very simple and direct !

There is a way :

  • to reset a SENSOR value ?
  • to delete a SENSOR with ALL his values ?


And it is a very unusual question to ask.

Which is why I want to know why you think this is the solution to your problems.

What are your actual problems that you hope to solve by setting the sensor to 0?

It is very likely that you are asking the wrong question.

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