Whole house renovation, where to put cameras?

The driveway will go across front then down right side of house. Future detached garage located back right. I have about 5 days until insulation. I will run cat6 to each spot. I’m thinking:

Doorbell and/or front porch
Front left looking towards road
Front right looking down driveway
Back right looking towards future garage
Back porch looking towards back yard
Back left looking at grill area back patio door

Video of outside of :house:

hm, i’m having some issues viewing your video. maybe link it differently?

Updated video link to YouTube https://youtu.be/GgDihz-L5gs

Also, I don’t have normal boxed soffits so I guess the cameras need to be wall mounted like the flood lights.

congrats on the reno, looks like its gonna be awesome. i see why you’re posting this question though, i’ve not seen soffits like that before :man_shrugging: that being said, i think the locations you’ve stated seem like they make sense. Depending on what you’re doing for pillars, you may be able to tuck front cameras under this here

I ran ethernet to my doorbell and installed a doorbird. this was some time ago, i noticed they have new models out, not sure if they’ve stepped up their quality yet though. the video quality on mine is pretty terrible, but i like that its hardwired and records locally.

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I tried doorbird twice and came to same conclusion both times. I don’t like that I need to connect to doorbird to setup for local access. The design/look is amazing but the fact it’s still not 100% local bothers me. I also learned with my second (ebay) purchase that they can kill camera access by user. Though not likely, I don’t like they have ability.

I got Axis doorbell and am much more satisfied. Video quality is same as doorbird(not great) but cameras are cheap and I cover this entry with other cameras so quality was second to function in this choice. Doorbirds with custom address are better looking but axis has nice metal housing that looks good in driveway

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Great spot @jon102034050!

Just before I took the video yesterday, I had them put a 1x6 trim for doorbell area. I’ve been shopping for doorbells today and doorbird is top of my list since it is POE powered.

Unfortunately, most POE doorbells are around 6" or taller and they would be too tall for the trim. Although, any of the smaller cloud ones would do (Nest, Arlo, Eufy).

For local only, I think we will need a custom solution. I’m leaning towards a pi zero with a v2 camera module.

Video doorbell, no cloud required: