Whole of house water meter reader (South Australian meter)

Hi, I have completed a water meter reader for my house and it has been working well. It is based on a WeMos D1 mini (esp8266 based board) and a TCRT5000 sensor (cheap off ebay). It detects the spinning dial in the water meter and counts the revolutions. The water meter is a typical South Australian main house water meter. No modification to the meter required.



The details are all in my github page: https://github.com/CraigHoffmann/water-meter-reader


I’ve have been looking to do something like this for a little bit now.

how well has it been holding up?

my meter also has a little dial, however it is more symmetric. do you think this might still work?

im talking about the little red triangle. it spins at a fairly fast clip. the bigger red dial spins around once per 0.1 cubic meter.

I made this and worked perfectly, except a couple of minor problems: with rain sometime water goes under sensor part and the reading start fluctuating here and there (I solved this using blutec between sensor and meter), and other problem I found is that sunlight shift the signal, so max and min need to be adjusted for few times in a year. otherwise works perfectly. Thanks for sharing.