I’m having some issues with my Home Assistant Green.
Almost every time a Core Update is released and I don’t apply it, after a couple of days all my devices become unavailable.
I recently purchased HA Green to replace my Philips Hue system, and I don’t really have many automations and devices. A couple of smart buttons, a dozen of smart bulbs, and a couple of smart switches.
I use Zigbee and Z-Wave dongles and no HACS, no plugins etc - very basic setup.
Now almost every time, the Core update is released and I won’t apply it, within a couple of days all my devices stop working. Smart buttons won’t work, virtual buttons won’t work, devices in the dashboard become unavailable etc.
When I make the update, everything goes back to normal and I can operate my devices normally.
I think, but I can’t be sure, that this all started to happen around the huge update that happened a few months ago - I’m sorry I can’t remember what it was, but there was big fuss about it - I think a release somewhere close around the one when HA changed the login screen - sorry if it is vague, I’m trying to put there all the information I have.
How can find out what’s the reason behind this, as I understand it is not normal. There are some errors in the logs, but nothing that I see suggesting what’s broken.
I took screenshots the day the system stopped working - I believe the Core update was available for ~3 days, so logs showing no date (as today’s logs) were logged since the system failure.
Please help me out.
Updates available
Devices unabailable