Why are all automations in one big list?

Tagging AND/OR adding them in a Folder would be the best. I also use names to get the rooms, but sometimes I also get lost and will find an automation with Ctrl+F…


TBH I vote for every approach of adding a bit of additional organization to the automations section. But at the same time I have absolutely no issues organizing my ~ 150 automations with nothing else than a more or less strict naming convention (friendly_name plus if possible also the entity name).

Roughly (with few parts being optional) for friendly_name:
[Domain][ActionType] _ [Area/Place] _ [Description]

Like (few examples)

  • Climate ON_Heating OG bathroom
  • Cover DOWN_Close all blinds
  • Cover UP_Open all blinds
  • Cover SET_Activate sun protection
  • Light-Control_EG kitchen
  • Light-Control_EG dining room
  • Notify_Devices_dishwasher finished
  • Notify_Devices_mobile devices storage warning
  • Notify_Devices_washing machine finished
  • Notify_Diverse_Updates
  • Notify_FritzBox_Incoming call
  • Notify_FritzBox_Warning guest wifi on for a long time
  • Notify_Pi-Hole_Disabled for a long time
  • Notify_Security_Garden gate opened
  • Notify_System_Database issue
  • Notify_System_HA Login from new IP
  • Notify_System_HA load warning
  • Notify_System_HA new HA alert
  • Notify_System_Problematic entities warning
  • Notify_System_Temperature warning
  • Power-Control_EG dining room charging station
  • Power-Control_OG office desk
  • Presence_Coming Home
  • Presence_Leaving Home
  • Switch-Control_EG kitchen D1
  • Switch-Control_OG bathroom Opple
  • System_Cleanup tasks + fixes @ HA start
  • System_Data_Purge Recorder DB
  • System_Data_Repack Recorder DB
  • System_Data_Update entities
  • System_Fan-Control
  • (you get the idea)

Existing sort and search is everything I need. And (full disclosure :smiley:) I place all automations manually in lovelace dashboards (once organized by domains, once by areas, plus administration/custom system backend section), so I rarely need to turn to the automations section in the backend at all (next to creating new automations).


I really like how the new SmartThings app allows you to filter by room. Having all devices in a room and the automations that devices in that room are included in would be a really interesting + handy view.

I am another among many that would like this feature. Automation organization is truly a what the heck. Same with helper entity organization.

Search works fine if good naming convention is in use and I’m sure it would be quite easy if one gets used with it.

Still it would be great to have better visual overview (even within search filter) and I also hope that some sort of labels/tags (colorful) will be implemented soon :slight_smile:

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Why are all automations, entities, devices etc in one big list that you cannot filter my anything besides text search. Should be possible to filter on the colums of info.

You mean something like Excel column filters? Search works over all columns but you are right that you need to type these letters in.

Yes exactly like excel would be nice.

I would love folders, but also from the automations list to be able to search for a specific device or entity (e.g. entity:sensor.bedroom_temperature) would be a timesaver. I know I can go to the entity and see automations related to it—but if I’m already in the automations it would be good to save several clicks.

Agreed, Ctrl+F is definitely useful and I have been using “tag words” in my naming convention keeping in mind I can use Ctrl+F to find them in the future.

@frenck is adding support for label (Add label support by frenck · Pull Request #69996 · home-assistant/core · GitHub), so if I’m correct we will be able to add tags to automations and will be able to filter by labels (if the frontend will add support for this)


That sounds good to me. I’d hugely appreciate filtering by labels or a customisable folder approach. What I wouldn’t want is some sort of auto separating by domain/area or something like that as we all have our own preferences and intricacies with how we like to set things up.

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I do that too but when I need to find one in the mobile app I can’t, because the name is too long.
So, we all have found workarounds and it’s great to share them, but it is merely a testament that the feature requested here is really important to many.

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Even having the option to group by trigger entity/device would be useful.

I currently pre-pend them a ‘tag’ name to group them, but it could be better.

I have found that if you search the list the search term is persistent while working the list. It’s actually quite clever in that it behaves as though you are viewing a particular category until you clear the search. Of course, this only works if you have given your Automations (Scenes, Devices, Entities, etc) names that actually categorize them. For example, we have all timer Automations start with “ATM Timer:” so I can search for “timer” and the list stays filtered while I navigate back and forth until I clear the search. Very clever and useful.

You mean something like this?


I would like to be able to create my own categories and assign one or more categories to my automations. This way, I have full control over the way how my automations are categorized.

I’d also like to be able to filter those categories in the Automations list.

This same behavior would be nice for scripts and helpers too.


Another vote for this. Some way to intelligently organize automations into folders or something. I try to name my stuff as best I can, but along the way my naming conventions have changed, and it’s a lot of rework to go back and rename old automations and try to make sure I’ve identified them all. It would be really nice to just have a folder for “lights” another for “backend/system”, etc.

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I really like the concept of tags anywhere where things can be grouped


Yes. Tags. Tags everywhere. Allow multiple tags for items too!

I used to use packages to keep everything nicely organized but as I slowly switch over to UI based configuration I’ve lost that organizational ability.