Why are all automations in one big list?

Well, I believe that it should be up to the user to define what they want to use it for. For the grouping by device it actually is there already. Just open a device page and you’ll see all automations and scripts where that device is used. I often go there in case I change something related to the key way I’m using particular device or simply when I have to replace a broken device.

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I absolutely agree with this. I want to be able to identify every element that is related to a specific device. This should happen automatically, I wouldn’t want to manage labels for that manually. Of course in certain cases a user might and can.

My original argument was that tags (or packages today) should primarily serve to structure elements by the more abstract idea of use cases (e.g. presence related lights and music management).

Hope that makes sense.

This is already in place. You can see it on the entity view:

and on the Device view:

It also shows scripts and scenes and for entities groups as well. Very usefull!

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Exactly!? Hence my argument that typical user utilization of tags should be use case oriented.

Anyhow, we are getting off-topic here. Willing developers now need to come up with a solution. I believe that everything related to use cases and user preferences was already said in this thread. Looking forward to what comes out of this.

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Can you link the PR?

I’ve linked it a couple of replies before :slight_smile:

this is not true. If I set the temperature for a room, I set it on every device in that room. Unfortunately, if I go into the related tab, there is no automation that changes the temperature on that device.

Maybe you refer to those devices/entities dynamically e.g. via templates? If automation is having a trigger, condition or action linked to a device or an entity it will show up in the “Related” section. Works like that 100% of the cases for me. Maybe share your automation code, that would explain it or if it does not work as expected a bug should be reported.

I would like to steer the WTH or as I feel WTF back to what the request is.

I organize my automations in logical groups in the same file. Some files have 1 automation. Some have 10. E.g. all automations that relates to my alarm system are in the same file.

All existing mechanisms that some continue to suggest obviously does not cover the needs for the more than 1000 that has voted for this.

I want to be ble to organize the automations in folders or lables that can be displayed as such.

I am deeply disapointed that now - for the 2nd year - the most wanted feature is not prioritized by the leadership of the project.

I would be happy with one single layer of folders/labels. I do not need folders within folders. I just want to be able to group the automations in one group and I am fine that an automation can only have one parent folder or label.

I know some want an advanced solution but the only result is that we never get anything because it becomes too difficult to implement and maintain.

Please, just one simple way to display automations in groups that I can assign freely and name myself. Today I simply have one automations folder with yaml files below in 1 layer. I cannot wrap my head around using a list of 150 automations. It just sucks. I will not use the GUI for automations until I can arrange them in groups that relate to my own subjective logic, which is not a particular device. They are grouped by function.

I think it is a reasonable request.


As mentioned in another discussion on this topic: the Home Assistant maintainers considers this feature request implemented as of HA 2021.4 (see Github discussion).

Creating a new feature request that highlights the problems with the filters as of 2023, and proposes specific improvements might be more effective. That way this will once again be on the maintainer’s radar.

This should be a no brainer. The same for scripts.

Yes, Universal Development handles their programs perfectly.

I think it could look like the device Section. And on Helpers it‘could be implemented very easy because it can grouped by type like input.number (you habe 10 input_numbers) and so on.

On Automation there only has to be one Extra dropdown for an id_group

Yeah groups like:
Light automations
Heating automations
and so on would be a real gamechanger to the UI.

As my list of automations kept growing and growing as well and sorting them by name wasnt an option anymore, I actually shifted like 95% of my automations to NodeRed as there I can organize them with flows and have a way better overview.

Home Assistant 2024.4 will, besides the current areas, have floors, labels & categories to organize everything the way you feel like.


Sounds perfect! I’m guessing this is the April release that will be released somewhere in the next weeks?

First Wednesday of every month.


Ah so next week April 3rd. Thanks for the specifics!

2024.4 has been released. This topic will now be closed. If you have any Feature Requests for the new functionality, please create a new topic.

If you have any questions about the current implmentation, please create a new topic in Configuration.