Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) 🤷

Really, I don’t like discord. There is no structure, everything runs through everything. I have been there once to report an error in a beta, since then I just post an issue on Github.


Id say, remove the “label” ( in the Forum ) as well, ok, their is a “hierarchy” in the “achievements” of Badges, and privilege, this could stay within the profile, if people are curious
But in the Forum, there is no “practical” need for people to “on click” see if a person who respond/assist is Basic/Member/ or Regular ( A Moderator, Yes !)
There is no “salvation” for People who are “newbies” , basic or even member, to initially know that they are “facing” a more experienced “nerd” , i think they would feel more “relaxed” if they just feel, they get assistant/advice/help, from just another member
And if they indeed are more “curious” , they can open the persons profile page


Totally agree, the discord is just a line of questions and sometimes answers w/o a real structure

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Discord is great if you want to have a short discussion or live support. It’s not great as a historical record.

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Probably for some but if someone, as I am, only are there from time to time, it’s just a mess of statements, questions and posts that is really difficult to follow. I have probably not understood the format :man_shrugging:

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It’s just a place to chat. Not a forum to have a long extended conversation over 20 days. Think IRQ or AOL instant messenger but everyone in one place.

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I actually only partly follow the beta-channel( even after i dropped out of beta-testing, to get pre-info, upon what’s to come.
Have Tapo-camera as-well in discord, and as it’s limited in both functions/features and users, it’s another “experience” , compared to walking into a clothes/jeans shop VS walking into a huge Shopping Mall :smile:

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Same here, when I chime in it’s for this channel to be prepared for what I need to place attention to when I upgrade :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is why Discord is my current focus. :wink: With 132k members, there is no denying it is a popular space for our community members to hang out. It’s just not very friendly to all types of community members and there are a lot of new community features Discord has introduced that aren’t utilized in that server currently. It will massively improve structure to implement some of those features which will help make the space more enjoyable and valuable to most members.

When I have a solid plan for what I want to do, I will be asking the Discord members their opinion on the changes. Depending on that, I may make adjustments to what I propose. This really isn’t a short process, folding in and considering community feedback is important, and I will have to do the same here on the forums. Discourse is a whole other beast, though. :sweat_smile:


Thanks Missy for updating us!

Back to the task.
I know what is going to be said. This is not a cookbook entry, it is way too long, but this thread should be on everyone’s bookmark list.
The first 2 posts encompass the cookbook idea, even if the next 350 posts don’t…
The EPIC Time Conversion and Manipulation Thread! - #2 by finity.

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Added a link from the cookbook post. :grin:

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Which is great, right!!!

And tidied up my contribution, much tidier!

I think I’d ask this question (after reading and liking every post of this thread to get my stats up :grinning:)

Why doesn’t a home automation system have out of the box capability to do light control (and account for all the nuances like doors that bounce, TOD constraints, luminance sensors, no trigger on door exit, etc) and have a UI to manage and view the performance of the light circuit (how long does it take for the light to actually turn on, what last triggered it, adjust the no occupancy timeout, etc.)

We’ve all built these from scratch. There’s a lot of ways to approach it. Lots of variation in posts.


Because look at the blueprint for motion light that comes installed.
I’ve had more than half a dozen people try and fail to adjust that thing to get it to do the 1 extra thing. Any pre-canned thing you provide will be just a little wrong for half the people.


Exactly, the current solution doesn’t really work and is missing extensibility. That does not mean that there isn’t a solution. Just means HA doesn’t have it yet.

Mine does. I don’t see the problem. :grin:

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It’s all about the exceptions.

That’s why I made the energy FAQ.

Mainly because I was getting tired of answering the same questions over and over again :slight_smile:


Added a link from the cookbook post. :grin: