Basic energy monitoring

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Based on a post by @tom_l

Energy and power are not the same thing

Energy, measured in kiloWatt-hours (kWh), is a measure of what it takes to do something (like cook a microwave meal). Power, measured in Watts (W), is the speed at which energy is being transferred. A 900W microwave cooks faster than a 700W one, even though the meal may be the same.

Power readings (in W) from your smart plugs need to be converted into energy readings (in kWh) before they can appear in the energy dashboard.

This can be done from the UI.

Feed your power sensors into this helper to get energy sensors:

Take care with the method. Nine times out of ten “left” is the best method rather than the default trapezoidal method.

Then for daily/monthly totals feed the energy sensors produced by the Riemann Sum helpers to utility meter helpers with daily/monthly cycles:

HA Energy Dashboard FAQ · GitHub.

The Home Assistant Cookbook - Index.


Should PowerCalc now be used instead of “Integration - Riemann sum integral”? PowerCalc seems to come up more now.

I have some devices that are covered by two power/energy monitors, is there an easy way to subtract the device specific monitor energy/power from the multiple outlet energy/power. The Emporia system monitors at the breaker level. Shelly and Kasa 115 device monitor at the socket/switch