Why are there some tools/ intents missing?

Hello the documentation describes a few builtin intents:

  • HassTurnOn, HassTurnOff, HassGetState, HassNevermind, HassSetPosition, HassGetCurrentDate, HassGetCurrentTime, HassLightSet, HassClimateGetTemperature, HassShoppingListAddItem, HassGetWeather, HassListAddItem, HassVacuumStart, HassVacuumReturnToBase, HassMediaPause, HassMediaUnpause, HassMediaNext, HassMediaPrevious, HassSetVolume, HassStartTimer, HassCancelTimer, HassIncreaseTimer, HassDecreaseTimer, HassPauseTimer, HassUnpauseTimer, HassTimerStatus


But if I ask the voice assistant to list the known tools, there are some missing:

HassTurnOn, HassTurnOff, HassLightSet, HassMediaUnpause, HassMediaPause, HassMediaNext, HassMediaPrevious, HassSetVolume, HassListAddItem

Any hint, why? I have no clue.

Sascha Abraham