Why are we "non-supervised" users always ignored?

More and more oftenwhen I search for and find “How To…” guides on the internet, it turns out that the instructions give by default assumes that we all run a supervised version of HA. Thus links and instructions fail, because no alternative information is provided for the rest of us who run HA under Linux. In my case, in a docker container.
As an example, when I clicked on a link that was supposed to bring me to the right place, I got the following result:

followed by this:

So I’m stuck.


What is it you are trying to do?

This is nothing to do with the supervisor.

My Home Assistant (those links to your system) works with any install method if you install the integration.

Just add this to your configuration.yaml file and restart:


This integration is by default enabled, so there’s no need for that.

Oh ok I missed this:

Are you trying to do something that requires the supervisor?

My point here wasn’t specifically related to anything that I was doing, it’s more a general frustration over the fact that more an more Guides and Doc’s assume that all readers are using HA OS or HA Supervised.
I appreciate your comments and assistance, but I guess there’s not much either of us can do, unless there’s a general solution as to how things can be done if one isn’t running HA OS or HA Supervised.
In the above case, I clicked a link on the ESPHome web that promised to take me straight to the solution, and - well, you saw what I got.

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That relies on the ESPHome add-on. Add-ons are only available on supervised systems. Other “My Home Assistant” links should work. Try this one:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your settings menu.

I do see what you mean though. The documents do assume you are running a supervised install a lot.

There are links at the bottom of each documentation page where you can suggest improvements (or submit them yourself).

These have never worked for because it always tries to take me to ‘Homeassistant.local’ and I have no clue how to set that up with HA container (docker) on my Pi. I have to access HA using the Pi’s IP address.

You do it on the My Home Assistant Web Page. Click any My HA link (e.g. the one in my post above) then:

You get this option for any My HA link. And you must save the setting once for each web browser you use (and not have clear history on exit set, unless you want to do it every time).

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I am confused at the answer and what I think was the original question. What if I have HA installed like this for instance:

I can click on something that gives me supervisor or add-ons or ?

If YES please tell me.
If NO I would think the answer should be qualified as to what of the numerous HA installs this answer applies to.

Then you have a supervised install and the topic does not apply to you.

You should be able to click this:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add-on store.

The supervisor page was removed quite a while ago.

OK still confused.
No … I have a “Core” installation.
I click that link it yields:

I am just being nice to the OP. I understand that (I believe I am right) anything that is an “add-on” is not available to a Core installation. I believe that was the question but maybe I am wrong.

Certainly with my installation there is nothing called “Add-ons”

Simply put, someone surfs to this and clicks that link:

And then clicks it:


“Open Link” will fail if if have a Core installation. And you just told me differently but perhaps you did not understand my statement.

Oh sorry, I just saw the Generic x86 64 and assumed it was HA OS. You even linked to the core install method but I did not click it :man_facepalming:

So no you can’t click on something to give you add-ons as add-ons are not available in a core install. See this table: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/#advanced-installation-methods

Thank you (and I knew that but that is now the proper answer) … as the OP ssaid that he has container and I have pure Core … the true answer is both do not support Supervisor or Add-ons as shown in that table.

The issue the OP really has is in not understanding that and thinking any link like that will work for them (when it will not) and in fact they can;t even have those things.

So the answer to the OP is …

“You are not ignored! However, you chose an installation method that does not support Supervisor or Add-ons. You can always install a different way or accept the limitations of your installation method.”

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Yes we already established that.

Dare I say it? Why would you not install HAOS (or Supervised)? Sure, Core is available, but what benefit is there over the other install methods? Life if much simpler with HAOS (in a VM if necessary).

I am not everyone. But because I have a retired gamer machine, don’t want to bother with VMs, have many other things on it, can integrate very easily all remote editing access to my files …

Most of all … I like having Linux Cinnamon on the machine and not >>>


With > as a prompt.
There any many. many. many more things I do on that machine that just HA

Like a DB and complete system for my Winery and many, many other things

Fair enough, a lot of people don’t want to deal with VMs and definitely don’t want the OS part of HAOS, so they install Supervised. There are a lot of benefits to VMs, but they’re not for everybody. Mine is running on an old box from 2012 quite happily, along with many other things running in separate VMs.

And from here, of the users who provide analytics data, 3% use Core whereas over 70% use HAOS, so that’s where you’re going to get the most support on the forums too.

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I think the answer by @kbrown01 above is the best answer you’ll get.

Most users run a Supervised install if for no other reason than they likely have been directed there by the HA devs since that is the version they want everyone to use because it limits the support they need to provide to users who don’t know how to maintain their systems otherwise.

and for most non-tech users that will likely also give the best user experience since they don’t need to do much maintenance.

for the rest of us we have chosen to run an install version that requires us to get a bit more hands-on for the benefit of finer control over our OS and environments. That also means that we take on the responsibility to figure out how to do things in HA that aren’t done for us as add-ons. it’s a trade off for one benefit for another.

And I personally don’t think that there is that much of a limitation in not being able to use add-ons - especially if you run a Container install. You just have to know how to tell if the solutions provided reference add-ons or not. That’s literally the only difference in the way HA runs in different install types (Ok well backups too but that’s minor). As far as I’m aware absolutely everything else that a Supervised type of install can do can also be done in every other install type (Core and Container).

But that also doesn’t mean you are completely out of luck on support. there are plenty of others users who don’t run a Supervised type install and can usually point you in the right direction.


Slightly off-topic, but why would anyone want to run core and not HAOS?