Why are we "non-supervised" users always ignored?

Yes, it’s assumed that you have a basic understanding of how git, GitHub, and markdown works. If you don’t, there are plenty of resources on the internet for you to learn (Google will even tell you directly on the search page, no clicks required). You are right, it would be easier if all of this information was in a single place and so you didn’t have to do any work, but that’s not really:

  1. Sustainable (because the more information that’s hosted on the HA site, the more info there is to maintain, and as its been made clear, it’s already hard enough to keep the docs up to date without adding extra info that’s readily available elsewhere)
  2. How open source works

Home Assistant has one of the largest active contributor communities on GitHub so I think it is safe to say that figuring this stuff out isn’t a major hill to climb.

No wonder there are so many errors in the docs. If you have to take a training course in order to contribute

I think you are trying to make a joke here but instead you come off as entitled and unappreciative. Just keep that in mind if you choose to continue being a part of this conversation as statements like that may affect how people respond to you, and not in ways you will like.


You’re right… I apologize…
But it is frustrating when something which is fairly complicated is presented as “easy”. I understand why somethings actually must be complicated, but editing text shouldn’t have to be so complicated. What happened to WYSIWYG ?
(But I guess we’re off-topic now) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Markdown is as close to WYSIWYG as you are going to get for structured text. Typical WYSIWYG content does not play nice with source control where you want to see exactly what text has changed without getting distracted by a bunch of formatting tags in the middle. Additionally, while it’s not the same thing, when you go to edit, there is a preview tab you can click on to see what it looks like.

Markdown is extremely simple, you can pick it up pretty quickly. Google “GitHub Markdown,” they have an entire section in their doc dedicated to how to format the docs

It’s still pretty easy, you just have to learn the workflow. Worse case, you can always just provide feedback, which creates an issue without the need to know how to submit a PR.

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Just to feed Raman’s point. I’ve never bothered looking up how to write markdown… I just play around and look at the preview.

EDIT: Markdown works here too…


my table
my stuff

Ok, so I got off to a good start and did a lot of editing - then, suddenly a popup asked me if I wanted to download and install some add-on tool - which would make everything so much easier (I can’t remember what it was), but I clicked yes, ad a lot of things happened, and when I got back to the edit page, everything I had written was gone. So, I give up.

That’s not github doing that, sounds like you have odd extensions in your browser trying to take over and do things.

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@Cellivar most everything you said in your posts resonates with me. Especially this part:

Just wanted to say that I get it (for whatever some rando agreeing with you on the internet is worth).

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