Why buy energy monitor devices -- Use data from Smartmeter!

Thanks for putting this together. I updated to 2023.8. Then I added the oPower integration. My utility is PECO in Pennsylvania. So, I added my account. This went fine once I disabled 2FA. In oPower entities I can see values for my account and they seem right. Next, I added the entries for the Energy dashboard based on the documentation. But, nothing shows up in the Dashboard. It keeps saying that it will take up to 2 hours to update. Is there somewhere I can look for the issue? Thanks.

Data is delayed by 24 to 48 hours so make sure you aren’t only checking today’s date in the energy dashboard.

Thanks for the reply @tronikos. However, I am unable to enable debug logs for the intergration since I cannot get it set up. Also, enabling default logging to debug produced no logs. Any ideas?

Try having this in configuration.yaml:

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.opower: debug

You could also try manually running demo.py of the underlying library at GitHub - tronikos/opower: A Python library for getting historical and forecasted usage/cost from utilities that use opower.com such as PG&E.

It looks like my data from Peco is delayed by up to three days. I can see data for August 2 and before. It looks like they have hourly or even more detailed information. It is too bad they do not make it available closer to real time.

Anyone looking into how to get data from another 3rd party SaaS smart meter provider, “MyMeter” from Accelerated Innovations LLC. https://acceleratedinnovations.com/ ?

So far I haven’t found integrations (or hacks) for MyMeter. Unfortunately “MyMeter” is a generic enough name that it is hard to search for it specifically.

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Is there anyone willing to help me figure out how to add support for my utility? Southern california edison. They have green button data available and I believe are using opower?

I can follow directions well, just have no idea where to start to do this.

Are you getting any cost data from PECO? I see the consumption data but the cost is always $0.00. My Energy Configuration is similar to the example from the documentation. The entity tracking the total costs follows the Opower peco … cost format for the entity’s total cost. But just $0.00.

I have BGE and all costs have always been 0 dollars.

Same with ConEd, been using it for almost a month now, cost sensors are always zero.

Not every utility returns cost estimate data or usage forecast data, which is why the docs mentions that you might not have sensors. ConEd doesn’t seem to return any cost estimate data for electric but does at least return the usage forecast data.

The Opower python module has a demo.py script that can be used to see the responses from your utility.

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Yes, I’m using the new Opower integration to get my PECO data, and I am getting costs. I would say the integration is working great, except it’s delayed by ~3 days, which is annoying (which is a Peco problem, not the integration).

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Same here. For reference, the “Green Button Challenge” was an initiative launched by the Obama administration in 2011. Reference is here: Modeling a Green Energy Challenge after a Blue Button | whitehouse.gov

As of November 1st 2023, every utility company in Ontario will have rolled out support for the Green button API. That was the deadline set in 2021 and only a handful of major markets have waited this long to deploy.

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