Apparently there’s a UI to edit statistics? I would like to prune some outlier data, but my Statistics UI does not show a link to the editing UI?
Apparently there’s a UI to edit statistics? I would like to prune some outlier data, but my Statistics UI does not show a link to the editing UI?
Only certain types of entities can be adjusted. It’s likely that your entity is not one of them. No, I’m not sure why there is a restriction.
Is that documented anywhere? I did search the docs and did not find any mention of what can and cannot be edited…
Definitely a WTH moment for me right now.
You can only edit totals. Not measurements. It’s all the edit function was written to do (correct energy dashboard data).
You can do it with SQL. e.g. How to update incorrect recorded senor state - #3 by Rabie
Well, I guess that makes some sense.
Man, every time that energy dashboard comes up, the weakness of that implementation is glaring.
In every case of repeating energy issues I’ve come across (so far) it has been misconfiguration of the source sensors (usually lack of an availability template). Occasional data errors do occur for other reasons (e.g.“I changed xxx…”) but single outliers are easily fixed with the stats editor.
The energy dashboard is a “one size fits most” implementation and I only use it for display purposes. All my energy and cost calculations are done with templates and stored long term in InfluxDB.
To be honest, I’m surprised anyone is using it at all.