Why can't we specify dashboard type, mobile, tablet, desktop, custom?

Why can’t we specify which device screen types can access a dashboard? I don’t necessarily want to use media queries and conditional cards because I want the views to be different, not different sizes of the same thing.

2 points are here - and it breaks a rule “1 WTH = 1 point”:

It should be solved by mediaquery-based rules (these “mobile”, “tablet”, “desktop” are abstract): there should be a possibility to define these rules for every view (on “enable” or “disable” basis).

This is a different point. Worth a separate feature request.

My bad. I have moved it to the post here: Why can't I lock the iOS Mobile app to portrait rotation?

Actually using Sections dashboard it is already possible. Each individual section can be configured to be visible for certain screen size:

I tried checking my tablet and desktop, but the sections aren’t visible on my desktop in the Arc or Safari browsers (after I cleared my browser cache). I disabled all those conditions and the sections still aren’t showing back up.

Yes, but:

  1. Sometimes it is needed to have mediaquery-based rules for a whole view, not a section.
  2. Sometimes “section view” is not what you need.
  3. May be, not sure: not all possible mediaqueries are supported: I see a generated code with “max/min width” but sometimes some other conditions are needed (like “touchscreen or not”). I have not tested it myself - so just a speculation.