WHY did one of my key integrations didn't started after the latest update?

This drove me crazy for a couple of hours. For some reason, after an update my moskito broker didn’t started with HA, despite this being clearly stated in it’s config:

Why did this happen? Is there any trace that I can follow to understand what the problem was?

I had seen something like this before with one of my integrations. Took my whole network down until I got into HA locally and pinpointed the issue. In my case however, the setting had changed to not have it start when HA starts - and I had always had it start automatically before. I slated it to a hiccup in the code or process for doing updates. Never had the problem since. I did have another update issue with the same symptoms but when I got into HA locally again, it turned out the required integration - which was only able to not start because a critical file was - missing! I uninstalled and reinstalled the integration after checking my OS file system for errors (there were none). So, don’t know what to tell you - I wouldn’t really worry about it unless it happens more often. Maybe check your file system for any issues. Maybe there is an issue with the file where that setting (to autostart) is stored?

I had a couple of things that I had to comment out, but nothing that should have prevented that extension to start.
Thank you for your answer and sharing your experience