Why does it take 2 hours for the energy measurement to be displayed in Energy Dashboard?

Can someone shred a light into this?

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It takes 1 hour. The statistics update at 12 minutes past every hour.

In my case, seem like at 8am it shows 6am statistics. Is there a setting for this?

No. It is all automatic.

Is the energy distribution view live? Or is it really just updating every 12 minutes past every hour?
So it wouldn’t show a peak performance as exmaple When the sun is getting covered by clouds or comes out.

No it wont. They are hourly stats.

Okay, is there a way to increase the update interval?
Uhm and one more question. Is there a way to edit the energy dashboard?
Cause I selected german as language and for now the energy dashboard is still english, you know
how I can change that to german?

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Other than through Configuration / Energy?


That’s two more questions. And no, sorry I don’t know.

Yes you are right with me it is the same. Here is 17:42 and the last record in the chart is 16:00
Summer and winter time will probably be a problem

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He is indeed just looked at my statistics, its one hour behind :confused:

Electrical Energy is a unit of measurement over time (Historical) Usually expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh).

Not to be confused with Power. Power is a measure of electricity at a single point of time.
Also described as Instantaneous Power or Live Power view.

The HA ENERGY dashboard is NOT in any way a live power measurement facility. It is historical. And it captures this historical data record every hour.

Each bar in the daily graph is one hour of historical ENERGY measurement. (Not Instantaneous POWER)

When the ENERGY dashboard is first setup (or a change is made to the configuration) it has to capture TWO readings to determine how much ENERGY was used for a given hour of the day. The two readings are from cumulative or ‘always increasing’ entities.

If you set up your ENERGY dashboard at say 09:15am then at 10:12am HA will take its initial reading of the meter data entity for the start of ‘hour 10’ and then an hour later (at 11:12) will take the second reading of the ever increasing ‘meter reading’, subtract the first from the second reading and voila … record how many kWh of ENERGY you used for the 10 o’clock hour.

So you can see it can take as little as one hour and one minute or UP TO two hours, depending on when you initially set or altered the ENERGY configuration.


Thanks for the detailed explanation. As in the screenshot, the dashboard should show the statistic at 9am already, shouldn’t it? Just wonder why the delay is different from HA to HA.

A question with little or no relevance (unless of course the answer proves to be very interesting)…

Why was 12 minutes past the hour chosen?


I assume it’s chosen to make sure all sensors have their last hour statistics complete and allow some extra time to update them. For example; my gas meter sends an update only once an hour, a few minutes after the full hour. Should the HA Dashboard already been updated in the meantime, then my gas readings would be one hour behind all the time. But this way, they’re up to date.

All of the pieces that make up the dashboard are available to you to make a custom dashboard for yourself.
That way you can combine the historical data from the energy dashboard and add custom sensors for real-time current power usage in real time, quarter hour peak usage,…

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