Why does my power meter keep recording wrong readings?

I have had this happen twice now. Why does the energy reading of my sensor just spike like crazy?

You can see that the spike to 924.72. How doe sthis happen. When I look at my Hubitat I dont see this reading and the value stored there is also correct. I have to following settings set on my Utility Meter that is collecting the energy usage


I thought the purpose of these settings was to make sure that this exact issue did not happen if the device went off line or reported a 0 reading?

I am able to edit the database to change the values to the proper ones but this is really annoying!

Off-line should be reported as unavailable, not 0.

unavailablesome value = do nothing

0some value = add some value to the total.

If your sensor is a template sensor this can be corrected with the availability template option. If it is some other integration then an issue needs to be opened for the integration.

My actuall sensor is a plug in a room that is attached to Hubitat. I then pull this energy reading into a Utility Meter with 3 tariffs

Every so often this HUGE spike happens and I can’t tell why. I cant tell where it is getting the bad reading form and what that value is

I just see hundreds of bad records that keep pushing the issue forward

I am hoping to write a little SQL query that will recalculate these fields for me so I dont have to hand manipulate them. I know I could wait for them to go into the stats database form the short_term but I am not sure how long that takes before it compresses the readings and puts them there.


Hubitat is connect to Home Assistant and I use the entity ID for it and I use that in the Utility Meter to read the energy value

Asking for the last time, how is it connected, which integration?

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Sorry I am brand new to HA so no I have no clue what you are asking for when you say "how? and when you ask for what integration I had no clue you meant what’s the GitHub repo for it…

Yes that is the integration I am using, I agree on that page it shows sensors don’t show energy but I have 6+ plugs that I am currently pulling energy readings from.

Sorry I did correct myself because I did say sensor, then in my reply to you I said it was a plug that’s my bad for calling it a sensor and adding confusion…

It’s a plug that has an energy sensor on it!

here is photo of one of my plugs

Come on dude, it’s like pulling teeth trying to get information from you. Is it this one: GitHub - jason0x43/hacs-hubitat: A Hubitat integration for Home Assistant ?

If so, it does not support energy sensors, only power.

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 10-46-02 jason0x43_hacs-hubitat A Hubitat integration for Home Assistant

After all that… back to the original question, I am geting energy reading from my dome power plugs and have been for 10 days now but every so often I see these spikes and I can t figure out what is causing this?

You are not helping me help you. So I give up. Good luck.

I get it’s frustrating dealing with people that don’t know anything but talking to people like that because they have no idea what you’re looking for. I did my best when you asked such a vague question like how? and you asked me what integration I’m using I told you I was using habitat to hacs there is only one habitat immigration through hacs again how was I supposed to know that you’re asking me for the GitHub repo??

Again I am brand new to home assistant I’m not sure why you felt it was okay to talk to talk down to people like you do. I’d rather not have no help then be talked down to like that. I will wait for someone else if they would like to help. Again I appreciate the help!

Hello @MrCaspan, his question isn’t that vague, even for beginners. This is why Tom is getting frustrated with you and you with him.

Please to go settings integrations, then highlight the integration that is creating the device you took a screenshot of.

Devices, services, and entities are created from integrations. When you add devices, you add them through integrations. Tom is looking for how you added the device to Home Asisstant.

Home Assistant does not offer an official integration when connecting hubitat to it. So in order for anyone to help, we need to know how it’s connecting to HA.

Also, I suggest you take a look at the glossary to learn about the terms in HA.

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I’m very sorry I honestly had no idea what information they were looking for when they asked the question. zigbee Z-Wave matter Wi-Fi, what service, what integration, what helper .I just did my best sorry if I should have known what they were asking that’s my bad then and I should better educate myself before asking a question if I don’t know what I’m asking for…

I am using the Hubitat integration that is in the HACS store

this is a picture of what I get when I click on the integration in the store.

here are another couple screenshots if they help

this does show that the device has a sensor for energy reading and I have connected that to a helper meter with three tariffs. and every so often I’m just getting a strange reading that goes from 6 kWh hello to a massive amount that is not possible. obviously it’s a bad reading but I just can’t figure out what’s happening to cause the bad reading so I can try to fix the problem. I just learned about filters yesterday so I’m going to try and implement a filter to see if that will help. I’m just a little lost here as to what to do next

If there’s any other information I’m leaving out please ask for it

Can you post a picture of the history (the graph) of the entity in HA when it jumps? If you have a power entity, show that history as well for the same timeframe.

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Sure, below is the plugs energy entity history and you can see the spike in the reading at 4am yesterday. I apologize I do have the history graph for the utility meter but it is now a corrected history as I was working on a SQL query for others to use to fix this issue if it happens to them so they can clean up their short and long term history. Good thing is, I was successful in correcting the issue in my DB with a SQL query but bad new is it’s gone from my history now on the Utility Meter. I’ll be sure to capture it if it happens again!

So we can see the reading spiked to 926.00kWh at 4:30AM

I have also enable verbose logging in Hubitat as I cannot see anything in the Hubitat logs at that time for this, 2:55 is an auto reboot for my hubitat each night just FYI