Why does my template sensor use the wrong timezone?

My template sensor uses this

- name: "Aktuelle Stunde"
      unique_id: "aktuelle_stunde"
      device_class: timestamp
      state: >
        {{ today_at(now().hour | string + ":00").isoformat() }}

and will return


However, if I test the same template in the developer tool tab, it results in


I’m well aware that these are two ways to write the same time, the first one being UTC and the second one being my own timezone.

However, I need the sensor to return my own timezone.

Why does the template sensor use UTC? Can I change this behaviour?

Remove the device class designation and it will return a datetime string in your local timezone.


Thank you, this did the trick.

Sorry for the follow-up question, but can you point me to the explanation for this? What would should be the proper device_class for this sensor?

The explanation is that HA stores all timestamps in UTC. When you set up a sensor with the device class timestamp it’s value is converted to UTC.

Sensor: Device Class
Dev. Docs

None. This is the default and doesn’t need to be set.

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Thank you for explaining this!