Why does node red get sensor.template sidebar update?


anyone out there using node with ha? i have this sidebar template as a sensor, but node red keep receving its update. and it makes it crash after a while? really wierd.

Received state update for unknown entity sensor.template_sidebar
Received state update for unknown entity sensor.template_sidebar
Received state update for unknown entity sensor.template_sidebar
Received state update for unknown entity sensor.template_sidebar
Received state update for unknown entity sensor.template_sidebar

Node Red receives all HAs updates.
In fact if you open up the Context Data in the upper right corner and then click the refresh icon to the right of Global you will see all the values NodeRed stores about your HA installation.

okay ,that make sense then. but do you know why it makes it become unresponsive and not receiving entity updates after a short period

Sorry no, but look at the HA and NodeRed logs in HA.