Why does the entity that is friendly named EXACTLY what I typed, not the first result?

See picture below. i type in ‘rainfall sensor’. The item with friendly name ‘rainfall sensor’ comes up near the bottom of the “results”


Likely because “rainfall sensor” actually means “rainfall or sensor”.

And you can verify that by typing
binary_sensor.rainfall :wink:

Was it always like that? I could have sworn in past i could put in friendly names and the one i named that would be first. Is there anyway to switch search results to friendly name?

I’ve seen topics similar to this in the past, but I could only find this issue which has apparently been fixed.

It has been changed in one of the latest releases nappyjim is running an older version of the HA nodes.

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I am? Where do I update? I dont see update available anywhere. Clicking hamburger in NR, says I am on 4.0.2

In the hamburger menu, manage palette. Update the home assistant websocket nodes.

Thanks. I updated and wow, it looks different lol. Search works better; now it was #2 on list.