Why doesn't this automation work, I don't understand?

Hi everyone, I have the following automation and I don’t understand why it only works the first time.

- alias: Humedad Tierra sensor1
  description: HT1
  - platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states("sensor.humedad_tierra_2") | float >= 75}}'
  condition: []
  - service: notify.enviaremail
      message: >
        {% set humedad = states('sensor.humedad_tierra_2') | float %}
        {% if humedad >= 75 %} 
         La jardinera 1 necesita agua !!! 
         Humedad del Suelo: {{humedad}} %
        {% endif %} 
  - service: notify.whatsapp
      message: >
        {% set humedad = states('sensor.humedad_tierra_2') | float %}
        {% if humedad >= 75 %} 
         La jardinera 1 necesita agua Alta !!! 
         Humedad del Suelo: {{humedad}} %
        {% endif %}            
  mode: single


  • if sensor.humedad_tierra_2 >= 75 --> work

    -The value of sensor.humedad_tierra_2 < 75

    -The value of >= 75 --> no work, no send notifys

why is this happening? that i’m missing, how can I solve it?

Nota: if restart Home assistan works the first time.


You’re using an if statement, but it is not required for your use case.

  - service: notify.enviaremail
      message: >
        {% set humedad = states('sensor.humedad_tierra_2') | float %}
        La jardinera 1 necesita agua !!! 
        Humedad del Suelo: {{humedad}} %
  - service: notify.whatsapp
      message: >
        {% set humedad = states('sensor.humedad_tierra_2') | float %}
        La jardinera 1 necesita agua Alta !!! 
        Humedad del Suelo: {{humedad}} %

What do the logs say when you surpass the threshold and it doesn’t work?

Try this:

- alias: Humedad Tierra sensor1
  description: HT1
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.humedad_tierra_2
    above: 75
  - service: notify.enviaremail
      message: "La jardinera 1 necesita agua !!! Humedad del Suelo: {{states('sensor.humedad_tierra_2')}}%"
  - service: notify.whatsapp
      message: "La jardinera 1 necesita agua Alta !!! Humedad del Suelo: {{states('sensor.humedad_tierra_2')}}%"           
  mode: single

Thanks for replying, this only works once, like before, The records say nothing.
I don’t understand why the trigger doesn’t fire for this sequence:

  • if sensor.humedad_tierra_2 >= 75 --> work

    -The value of sensor.humedad_tierra_2 < 75

    -The value of >= 75 --> no work, no send notifys

I do not understand, any suggestions


It works perfectly, the problem was that I receive the data by MQTT and in the program it was limiting to send only the data> = 75 (deep_sleep-> no wifi activation) and of course the trigger did not receive the change of state.
Thanks to both of you. All the best!!!