Why hard coded Cloudflare DNS?

I run Pi-Hole + Unbound recursive DNS so only the 13 root nameservers are my DNS and no device is allowed to go around that.
I have been noticing my OPNSense firewall logs going nuts with a device spamming with Cloudflare DNS requests.
I have a dynamic rule to block devices from using DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS which makes impossible to block their ADs and personal data tracking, you know, you cannot just block 443 ( DNS-over-HTTPS) and call it a day and blocking 853 isn’t really solving the problem.

While checking NTOPNG, I got this little surprise. I don’t think this is correct or right for the matter.
If I am running home assistant locally to avoid control, the last thing I need is home assistant itself forcing DNS servers on me.

Is there a way to completely remove/disable this??
It must be a way to stop this.


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No update it seems like, hmmmm

With the recent updates, things got worse.
Now it is also trying DoH or I didn’t seem that before.
This DNS field should be moved to GUI where users can set whatever they want.


Hey i’m noticing this behaviour too.

HA really wants to use DoH and DoT.

Did you get around this?

Even with

ha dns options --fallback=false

It will not use my DNS server.

I just kept the firewall rule blocking everything, my HAOS cannot use external DNS coz it is blocked on the firewall level

but how do you update HA?