Why I can't see live video?

just configured my Arlo camera and seems that I can’t see live video, only once in a time pic
what I’m doing wrong?

the lovelace camera card only updates it’s image once every 10 seconds or so.

to see the “live” view you need to click on the camera card image so that the image fills the screen then you should get a somewhat live view.

No, you can change also the entity show live view, on Lovelace config

The Arlo integration says:

This integration is not yet able to live stream from your Arlo camera

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thanks, didn’t saw it

Ha! I didn’t know that but I guess I should have since it’s an option right there in the screen shot of the config. :slightly_smiling_face:

In my case, it is still updating just once in a while even though its a rtsp video stream.