Why is do conditional cards leave holes in horizontal stacks but not vertical?

This one is driving me a bit potty. I have a row of conditional cards I want in a dashboard. If I put them in a vertical stack then they all line up nicely (well ish but it fills the gaps in ):

but if I put them in a horizontal stack it looks like this:


I cant seem to find any solutions to this and why they behave so differently or how to solve it. The only posts I can find suggest the problem should be the opposite way round or are just a bit of extra padding not a whole card space left.

The only difference between them is the works horizontal or vertical the code is exactly the same but the behavior is completely different. I even thought it might be because it was vertical stacks in a horizontal stack but I changed everything to a horizontal stacks and it still does it.

hmm seem to have solved my own problem by taking them out of stacks and having one long horizontal stack. They now line up:


but the weird behavior is still weird.

I blame the happy green blob, he just looks like he wants to mess with you.

:rofl: :joy:

He is an Octopus that changes colour with the electric prices.

So green means… very, very expensive?

lol no green means I’m good to use electricity. My rates change through the day from very very expensive at peak times to cheap at low use times. Its free or even negative (ie they give me money to use it) when production is much higher than use. The Octopus goes blue then but I really want to find a picture of it in a party hat for those rare times.