Why is it so hard to move cards on dashboard

I would like to reposition a card easily.

If I press the up arrow it will go to the right. If I press the down arrow it will go to the left. Sometimes it will send the card across multiple columns.

Please fix dashboard card reposition and also add left and right arrows.

Why not go a step further and use drag and drop?


Yeap that would be great, voted for this.
Hopefully fixing up down could be done as a minimum.

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This is a problem with the positioning of cards, which I describe in the topic related to the availability of HomeAssistant (compliance with WCAG guidelines). Cards move in columns (up / down), not in rows (left / right).

  • In the view, we add a “button” tab with which we want to turn on the light.
  • Please duplicate the added button 5 times.
  • We now have 6 buttons in the view (2 rows of 3 buttons, 3 columns of 2 buttons).
  • Now navigate to the buttons with the tab key.
  • We will review the buttons in the order (vertical letters, horizontal numbers) a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3. There should be a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3. The focus should move across the buttons (using tabs) from left to right, line by line. Now it goes from top to bottom, column by column.

I hope I have described the problem graphically.

More on this topic from the point of view of accessibility at the link below (voting, compliance with WCAG as you can see helps everyone :slight_smile: ):

We really need a better solution here. I can’t believe we are wasting time with the “Year of Voice” when we can’t even move a set of dashboard elements to different columns. Can 2024 be the “Year of fixing Lovelace”?


I use the card position number. You can put a card wherever you want in one single effort by just changing its number. I didn’t know anyone still fights with using the up/down buttons!! How have you not gone homicidal?

The ability to define the card position number was added in one of the latest HA updates. Currently, in my opinion, it is excellent. A superb job has been done. Thank you very much.

yes, it’s a recent update and I fully sympathized with people who would get frustrated trying to move dozens of cards where they want them with those up/down buttons that never put cards where you wanted them. I was commenting to the guy complaining that they are doing “year of the voice” and there isn’t a way to move dashboard elements. Well he made that comment 3 days ago and there is a way to move dashboard elements, he just isn’t paying attention.

Its a crappy way to manage arranging a bunch of graphical elements. Its one step up from using a hammer and chisel. So, sure there is a not-quite-as-horrible way to move cards now. But, it is a very long way from either satisfactory or elegant. “Here’s a crayon, be happy.”

I concur with the general sentiment, expressed. I really don’t care to talk to my home. The only thing I ever ask google to do is turn off my living room tv, and stream a particular radio station on Sunday mornings.

I would MUCH rather be able to create a decent dashboard without shouting at the rain for all the ridiculousness that is combining and editing the various *-stack cards…than be able to ask google to ask assist to turn off my TV.


we might be related! I think you and I are the only two who feel that way about “year of the voice” lol. I don’t want those stupid ehco’s or google speakers listening in my home and I’ll get up and flip my own light switch, thank you very much.


I mostly write automations so I don’t have to even do that.

My dashboard is mostly for configuring the automations to behave in different ways. I have all the light/fan/etc controls…but, I hardly ever touch them, or the switches around the house.

Creating grids and groupings of related elements together and getting them to look decent on a page shouldn’t be that hard. Rearranging them, when you don’t like it shouldn’t take an superhuman patience to not punch my monitor in the face.

Sorry, I should just drop to yaml and cut&paste…I know.

Home assistant isn’t supposed to look decent on a page.

There was a policy decision quite a long time ago that it should be possible to “install, use and configure Home Assistant with just a mobile phone”. The “mobile first” design strategy means that the components of a dashboard are what matters; the page that you might see on a larger screen is secondary. Sounds as if you’re looking for responsive pages, where design starts with the desktop screen and works downwards.

There’s an old blog post about it here and a good discussion of the two approaches here.

I have more than 30 years as a developer, and product manager for significantly larger and more complex systems than HA. Those presuppose a false dichotomy between the two approaches.

I don’t agree with the approach, the policy decision, or the rationale for it.

Nor do I think that policies are written in stone. A position from 2019, might warrant a revisit, 4 years later. A few things have changed since then.

From my perspective, the current ability to define the layout of cards is primarily accessible. I use assistive technology, specifically a screen reader, and for this type of software, the drag-and-drop method is an insurmountable barrier. Surely, since you’ve been working on projects larger than HA for 30 years, you are aware of this and are well-versed in the WCAG guidelines and universal design principles. I see that the HA team is making a great effort to address this issue. The app’s accessibility on mobile devices is excellent, and it’s not far from ideal. The HA system’s web browser interface also has many well-executed features. A few things, such as charts or date selection areas, still require attention, but I presume that will happen in the near future. The HA project is heading in a very good direction; arranging cards by changing their position number is an accessible and logical solution, convenient and in line with the standards set out in the WCAG guidelines.

Yes, of course…amongst many other standards for human factor related design criteria for various environments… There are quite a few besides wcag, that drive design choices for people of all types, wcag is just one. But, neither wcag or any of the other standard preclude the use of gesture based or other pointer / graphical based solutions. These standards are about ensuring that viable alternatives exist to ensure operability by an inclusive population with various limitations.

So, ensuring that there is an accessible (as defined by wcag) method for manipulation of cards, editing of text, etc in the dashboard editor is required. Completely, agree.

None of that requires the dashboard editor to be as convoluted and difficult to use to create a design of my choosing. I’m certain that even more accessible editor methods can be devised with a better editor framework.